- Syapa yg mau tax jak gt2-an..
Mw kan ..
pliz .. !
mau kan
nglakuinx .. bntar aja ..
pling cma 5 mnit ..
enak loh rsax ..
kta trasa d alam surga ..
taukan mksdnya..!
psti tau .. awalx mang agak males ..
tp akhirx enaaak bngeeet ..
asyik deh pkox'e ..
mau yh ..
yu ..
ayolah ..
trsrah mau d mna aja ..
asal tmpatx brsih ..
kta bkal ktagihan ngelakuinx ..
bhkn ampe 5 x
shari ..
ya .. mau .. ya ..
yu ..
kta ..
" SHOLAT " - dulu ak suka bgt indomie tp mua brbah saat ada yg lbih brsih dan wangi skarag ak pake ekonomie lbh hemat ni crita ku ap critamu ?
Waktu aku lagi kemah, aku kangen banget sama Indomie.
Terus, aku keluar perkemahan.
Sampai di warung terdekat, eh, Indomie nya habis.
Tanya di warung sebelahnya habis juga.
...Terpaksa deh beli Mie Sedaap.
Ternyata, Mie Sedap lebih enak dari Indomie
Itu cerita indomie ku. Apa cerita indomie mu?? - Waspadalah anax" WC'an ,!!!
uang palsu
tlah bredar d'awal ramadhan & lebararn tahun 2011. sbarkn tips ni utk mncegah pnipuan.
tips ngecek k'aslian uang:
1. uang seribu: lipat mjdi 4 bgian, tekan kuat, trus buka lipatanya. jka pedang Pattimura bengkok
brarti plsu.
2. uang 5rbu: ambilah sisir, lalu gsekan
pd uang. jka jenggot Imam Bonjol rntok brarti plsu.
3. uang 10, 20, 50, n 100rb: letakan ddpan rumah. jika hilang,
berarti asli. selamat mencoba.!
Rabu, 05 Juni 2013
Cerita Lucu terlucu paling lucu
Jadwal lengkap Piala konfederasi Brazil 2013
Jadwal Piala Konfederasi Brasil 2013 - Piala Konfederasi adalah
kejuaran sepakbola resmi yang diselenggarakan oleh FIFA. Pada kejuaraan
ini akan mempertemukan pemenang seluruh kejuaran dari setiap
konfederasi, serta diselenggarakan setiap empat tahun sekali, dan tempat
penyelenggaraanya adalah di negara yang akan menjadi tuan rumah Piala
Dunia tahun depannya.
Adapun untuk Piala Konfederasi
arya wguna dan rosnita putri
Nama Rosnita Putri Permata atau yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan
Rosnita Putri dan Arya Wiguna mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi bagi Anda
akhir-akhir ini. Sebab diantara keduanya kerap menjadi pemberitaan
hangat disejumlah media infotaiment, baik media televisi, majalah,
koran, bahkan tidak ketinggalan juga di berbagai media online.
Berbeda dengan Arya Wiguna, mungkin keberadaan Rosnita Putri memang sudah sempat Anda kenal sebelumnya. Sebab gadis cantik dapat juga disebut sebagai seorang artis yang sudah pernah turut dalam beberapa sinetron, seperti halnya sinetron Ramadhan yang berjudul "Anak Membawa Berkah", sinetron "Arjuna Mencari Cinta", "Takdir Cintaku", "Brama Kumbara", dan juga "Tutur Tinular versi 2011". Selain bermain untuk beberapa sinetron, Rosnita Putri juga pernah mengikuti acara reality show di televisi, yaitu pada acara "Penghuni Terakhir season 6" yang tayang di ANTV.
Mencuatnya pemberitaan tentang Arya Wiguna mulai muncul ketika dirinya berhasil mencuri perhatikan ketika Adi Bing Slamet menggelar jumpa pers dengan mengumpulkan beberapa orang yang merasa dirugikan oleh Subur. Arya merupakan salah satunya.
Pada kesempatan jumpa pers tersebut, sosok Arya langsung mencuri perhatian publik lantaran emosinya yang meledak-ledak menumpahkan kekesalan kepada Subur. Arya bahkan menyumpahi Subur akan menimpa ganjarannya lewat gebrakan meja dengan bersumpah "Demi Tuhan!".
Video rekaman jumpa pers tersebut akhirnya beredar luas di situs berbagi video Youtube dalam berbagai versi, dan disinilah awal mulanya sosok Arya Wiguna mulai mencuat ke permukaan. Karena video di Youtube menuai banyak perbincangan, akhirnya Arya Wiguna muncul juga di media konvensional, yaitu media televisi.
Selanjutnya berbagai sensasi lain berhasil dilakukan oleh Arya Wiguna untuk mencuri perhatian masyarakat. Salah satunya adalah pemberitaan mengenai kedekatan dirinya dengan sosok Rosnita Putri. Pada pemberitaan media disebutkan kala itu bahwa Arya Wiguna berencana akan melamar Rosnita Putri Permata, tetapi kemudian tidak jadi dilakukannya.
Banyak masyarakat menganggap bahwa isu kedekatan antara Rosnita Putri dengan Arya Wiguna yang mencuat dimedia hanyalah sebagai ajang untuk mendongkrak popularitas mereka semata. Namun anggapan tersebut bekalangan telah dibantah sendiri oleh Rosnita. Perempuan cantik kelahiran, 28 Oktober 1986 itu menyebutkan bahwa semua itu bukan merupakan bagian dari settingan untuk mendongkrak ketenarannya.
Rosnita juga beranggapan bahwa semua itu terjadi begitu saja. Selain itu Rosnita juga merasa tidak pernah mengatur semua kejadian yang sudah ada, demi mendongkrak popularitas. Ia sendiri bahkan tidak menyangka dengan tindakan Arya.
"Benar-benar real dan enggak ada settingan. Kebetulan Arya jadi bintang tamu dan tiba-tiba kak Arya ucapkan cinta," katanya seperti yang dikutip dari Tribunnews.
Rosnita Putri Permata menuturkan, bila Arya Wiguna memang serius untuk melamar dirinya menjadi istri, hanya saja ia memilih untuk menolak lamaran tersebut dan tidak menanggapinya.
sumber ::http://karodalnet.blogspot.com/2013/06/rosnita-putri-dan-arya-wiguna.html
Selasa, 04 Juni 2013
pake hp android
erikut ini adalah langkah-langkah mudah untuk sobat yang baru pertama kali menggunakan ponsel android:
1. Masukkan akun Gmail atau daftar akun baru jika belum punya, bisa mendaftar SINI
2. Sambungkan ke internet. Saat diminta login ke akun Gmail, maka ponsel akan secara otomatis meminta untuk tersambung ke internet, bisa melalui paket data operator atau Wi-Fi.
3. Lakukan langkah-langkah menghemat biaya langganan internet agar tidak kaget jika tiba-tiba pulsa habis.
Silahkan masuk ke settings -> data usage lalu scroll ke bawah untuk melihat konsumsi data masing-masing aplikasi yang berjalan pada ponsel.
4. Lakukan pengaturan backup dan restore data dengan masuk ke settings -> Backup & Reset kemudian beri tanda centang kotak Back up My Data dan Automatic Restore
5. Lindungi ponsel dari tangan-tangan jahil dengan melakukan pengaturan screen lock.
Silahkan masuk ke settings -> security -> screen lock. Bisa memilih untuk mengunci layar dengan password, face unlock, pattern dan sebagainya tergantung versi OS yang digunakan.
Sangat disarankan untuk memilih PIN atau password sebagai cara yang paling aman supaya isi ponsel tidak dapat dilihat oleh sembarang orang.
6. Lakukan impor contact teman Facebook.
Silahkan download akun facebook dari Play Store lalu login seperti biasa dan ikuti langkah-langkah yang diminta untuk melakukan sinkronisasi data contact. Bisa juga dengan mengaktifkan sinkronisasi contact ponsel dengan facebook melalui menu settings -> Accounts & Sync -> Facebook dan beri centang tanda Sync Contact
7. Aktifkan Location Serrvices.
Fitur ini berfungsi untuk menghidupkan atau mematikan GPS ponsel. Silahkan masuk ke Settings -> Location Services dan centang semua kotak yang tersedia.
9. Atur nada dering ponsel dengan masuk ke Music lalu putar lagu yang disuka, kemudian tekan menu dan pilih set as ringtone
10. Sesuaikan setingan keyboard.
Keberadaan fitur auto correct pada ponsel memang telah banyak membantu pengguna dalam mengkoreksi kesalahan saat mengetik pesan atau email. Namun, kadang fitur tersebut justru menimbulkan kerepotan tersendiri terutama saat dipakai mengetik pesan dalam bahasa Indonesia. Untuk itu kita bisa mematikan fitur tersebut dengan cara masuk ke settings -> Language and Input lalu pilih keypad yang dipakai ponsel. Selanjutnya hilangkan tanda centang disebelah kotak yang ada pada setting keypad untuk menonaktifkannya.
1. Masukkan akun Gmail atau daftar akun baru jika belum punya, bisa mendaftar SINI
2. Sambungkan ke internet. Saat diminta login ke akun Gmail, maka ponsel akan secara otomatis meminta untuk tersambung ke internet, bisa melalui paket data operator atau Wi-Fi.
3. Lakukan langkah-langkah menghemat biaya langganan internet agar tidak kaget jika tiba-tiba pulsa habis.
Silahkan masuk ke settings -> data usage lalu scroll ke bawah untuk melihat konsumsi data masing-masing aplikasi yang berjalan pada ponsel.
4. Lakukan pengaturan backup dan restore data dengan masuk ke settings -> Backup & Reset kemudian beri tanda centang kotak Back up My Data dan Automatic Restore
5. Lindungi ponsel dari tangan-tangan jahil dengan melakukan pengaturan screen lock.
Silahkan masuk ke settings -> security -> screen lock. Bisa memilih untuk mengunci layar dengan password, face unlock, pattern dan sebagainya tergantung versi OS yang digunakan.
Sangat disarankan untuk memilih PIN atau password sebagai cara yang paling aman supaya isi ponsel tidak dapat dilihat oleh sembarang orang.
6. Lakukan impor contact teman Facebook.
Silahkan download akun facebook dari Play Store lalu login seperti biasa dan ikuti langkah-langkah yang diminta untuk melakukan sinkronisasi data contact. Bisa juga dengan mengaktifkan sinkronisasi contact ponsel dengan facebook melalui menu settings -> Accounts & Sync -> Facebook dan beri centang tanda Sync Contact
7. Aktifkan Location Serrvices.
Fitur ini berfungsi untuk menghidupkan atau mematikan GPS ponsel. Silahkan masuk ke Settings -> Location Services dan centang semua kotak yang tersedia.
9. Atur nada dering ponsel dengan masuk ke Music lalu putar lagu yang disuka, kemudian tekan menu dan pilih set as ringtone
10. Sesuaikan setingan keyboard.
Keberadaan fitur auto correct pada ponsel memang telah banyak membantu pengguna dalam mengkoreksi kesalahan saat mengetik pesan atau email. Namun, kadang fitur tersebut justru menimbulkan kerepotan tersendiri terutama saat dipakai mengetik pesan dalam bahasa Indonesia. Untuk itu kita bisa mematikan fitur tersebut dengan cara masuk ke settings -> Language and Input lalu pilih keypad yang dipakai ponsel. Selanjutnya hilangkan tanda centang disebelah kotak yang ada pada setting keypad untuk menonaktifkannya.
Bom Motor di Poso
Video Bom Motor Poso - Bom bunuh diri kembali terjadi di salah
satu daerah Indonesia. Kali ini terjadi di halaman parkir Markas Polres
Poso, Sulawesi Tengah, Senin (03/06/2013). Kejadian tersebut terjadi
tepat pada pukul 08.00 WITA, serta sejauh ini pelaku bom bunuh diri
diduga dilakukan oleh anggota jaringan terorisme
Sebelum meledakkan bom, pelaku dan sekaligus korban yang datang menaiki
apa itu android
Android Adalah -
Android Merupakan sebuah sistem operasi
yang berbasis Linux untuk telepon seluler seperti telepon pintar dan
komputer tablet. Android menyediakan platform terbuka bagi para
pengembang untuk menciptakan aplikasi mereka sendiri untuk digunakan
oleh bermacam peranti bergerak.
Awalnya, Google Inc. membeli Android Inc., pendatang baru yang membuat peranti lunak untuk ponsel. Kemudian untuk mengembangkan Android, dibentuklah Open Handset Alliance, konsorsium dari 34 perusahaan peranti keras, peranti lunak, dan telekomunikasi, termasuk Google, HTC, Intel, Motorola, Qualcomm, T-Mobile, dan Nvidia. Pada saat perilisan perdana Android, 5 November 2007, Android bersama Open Handset Alliance menyatakan mendukung pengembangan standar terbuka pada perangkat seluler. Di lain pihak, Google merilis kode–kode Android di bawah lisensi Apache, sebuah lisensi perangkat lunak dan standar terbuka perangkat seluler.
Di dunia ini terdapat dua jenis distributor sistem operasi Android. Pertama yang mendapat dukungan penuh dari Google atau Google Mail Services (GMS) dan kedua adalah yang benar–benar bebas distribusinya tanpa dukungan langsung Google atau dikenal sebagai Open Handset Distribution (OHD).
Awalnya, Google Inc. membeli Android Inc., pendatang baru yang membuat peranti lunak untuk ponsel. Kemudian untuk mengembangkan Android, dibentuklah Open Handset Alliance, konsorsium dari 34 perusahaan peranti keras, peranti lunak, dan telekomunikasi, termasuk Google, HTC, Intel, Motorola, Qualcomm, T-Mobile, dan Nvidia. Pada saat perilisan perdana Android, 5 November 2007, Android bersama Open Handset Alliance menyatakan mendukung pengembangan standar terbuka pada perangkat seluler. Di lain pihak, Google merilis kode–kode Android di bawah lisensi Apache, sebuah lisensi perangkat lunak dan standar terbuka perangkat seluler.
Di dunia ini terdapat dua jenis distributor sistem operasi Android. Pertama yang mendapat dukungan penuh dari Google atau Google Mail Services (GMS) dan kedua adalah yang benar–benar bebas distribusinya tanpa dukungan langsung Google atau dikenal sebagai Open Handset Distribution (OHD).
Cara Memakai Jilbab Modern
Cara Memakai Jilbab Modern - Selain menjadi kewajiban bagi kaum
perempuan yang beragama Islam, memakai jilbab juga ternyata tengah
menjadi trend saat ini, khususnya bagi kalangan kaula muda. Keberadaan
berbagai model jilbab modern yang menjadi trend ditengah kalangan
masyarakat juga menjadi salah satu faktor pemicu banyaknya para
perempuan yang ingin mengenakan jilbab.Keinginan untuk memakai
Senin, 03 Juni 2013
tingkatn android dan versi terbaru nya
Versi/Tingkatan Android - Seperti halnya makhluk hidup yang melakukan sebuah matamorfosis, teknologi pun juga mengalami hal yang sama. Sedangkan Android sendiri
adalah salah satu buah karya teknologi yang teramat cepat
perkembangannya, untuk itulah pengetahuan akan Android itu sendiri
sangat penting terutama buat pengguna Android secara khusus ataupun buat
mereka calon pengguna Android.
Untuk lebih jelasnya simak saja versi dan tingkatan android berikut:
1. Android v 1.1
2. CupCake (Android 1.5)
Untuk lebih jelasnya simak saja versi dan tingkatan android berikut:
1. Android v 1.1
Android v 1.1 dirilis tanpa adanya nama yang disematkan, jenis ini hanya
berlaku bagi ponsel T-Mobile G1 fiturfitur utama yang dimilikinya
adalah sebagai berikut:
- Maps - Menambahkan rincian serta ulasan ketika pengguna melakukan pencarian di google maps
- Dialer - Menampilkan secren timeout ketika melakukan panggilan
- Massaging - Menyimpan lampiran
- System - Mendukung fitur layout marquee
2. CupCake (Android 1.5)
Seri ini hasil dari pengembangan
seri sebelumnya yaitu seri android 1.1 yg diluncurkan pada bulan
february tahun 2009.. spesifikasi cupcake sebagai berikut:
- Mempunyai kemampuan merekam dan menonton video melalui camcorder.
- Upload video ke youtube dan upload gambar ke picasa.
- Aplikasi baru soft-keyboard dengan fungsi text prediction.
- Bluetooth A2DP dan AVRCP support
- Mempunyai kemampuan otomatis terhubung ke perangkat Bluetooth dengan jarak tertentu.
- Widget baru dan folder dapat dikumpulkan di layar home.
Android kemudian merilis versi terbaru yakni android 1.6 disebut dengan Donut pada 30 april 2009 dengan kemampuan:
- Peningkatan pada android market
- Integrasi kamera, perekam video dan tampilan galeri
- Aplikasi galeri yang baru memungkinkan pengguna memilih banyak foto untuk dihapus. Aplikasi voice search yang diperbaharui menjadi lebih cepat merespon dan itegrasi dengan aplikasi yang lain termasuk kemampuan mencari kontak.
- Aplikasi search yang ditingkatkan untuk bisa mencari bookmarks, history, kontak, dan web dari layar home
- Peningkatan dukungan teknologi untuk CDMA/EVDO.802.1x, VPNs, dan mesin text to speech Mendukung resolusi layar WVGA
- speed inprovement in searching and camera applications
- perbaikan kecepatan di aplikasi pencarian dan aplikasi kamera
Setelah Donut menyusul kemudian Eclair ver 2.1 dengan kemampuan:
- Optimalisasi kecepatan hardware
- Mendukung lebih banyak ukuran layar dan resolusi layar
- Revamped UI, User interface baru pada browser dan dukungan html 5
- Daftar kontak baru, Rasio putih-hitam yang lebih baik untuk backgrounds.
- peningkatan aplikasi Google Maps 3.1.2
- Dukungan untuk Microsoft Exchange
- Mendukung Falsh untuk kamera, Digital Zoom.Peningkatan pada aplikasi virtual keyboard, Bluetooth 2.1, Live Wallpapers.
- Dukungan pada Kamera Depan - Aplikasi kamera di Android 2.3 sudah mendukung kamera depan sejak awalnya. Artinya produsen seperti HTC, yang salah satu versi ponsel Androidnya sudah memiliki dua kamera, bisa langsung memasang dua kamera di ponsel Android.
- Ponsel Internet - Kemampuan teleponi via internet, atau Voice over IP, akan didukung pada tingkat sistem operasi. Tanpa aplikasi tambahan, pengguna sudah bisa membuat panggilan VoIP, tentu dengan setting SIP manual.
- Tampilan yang Lebih Rapih - Tampilan antarmuka dari Gingerbread konon bakal makin rapih dan mudah dipelajari. Menu dan tema visual diperbaiki oleh Google untuk memudahkan navigasi.
- Manajemen Aplikasi - Akan tersedia shortcut untuk sebuah aplikasi bernama Manage Applications. Di sini pengguna bisa melihat berapa besar memori yang diserap oleh masing-masing aplikasi yang sedang berjalan.
- Input Teks Lebih Cepat - Keyboard Android Gingerbread dijanjikan akan lebih baik, dengan beberapa perubahan lokasi dan bentuk. Selain itu ada kemampuan memperbaiki salah ketik lewat kamus bawaan.
- Copy Paste - Kemampuan untuk memilih (select) lalu melakukan Copy, Cut atau Paste di Gingerbread menjadi semakin baik. Cara penggunaannya mirip yang dilakukan Apple pada iOS, lengkap dengan marker yang bisa digeser sebelum menyalin.
- Efek grafik 3 dimensi yang bisa bekerja dengan mulus walaupun untuk aplikasi dengan kebutuhan kinerja grafis tinggi. Efek 3D ini juga tersedia untuk aplikasi, wallpaper, dan grafik lainnya.
- Antarmuka pengguna (UI) Honeycomb didesain ulang khusus untuk tablet dengan mememperhitungkan ukuran layar yang lebih besar daripada OS Android sebelumnya yang didesain untuk layar smartphone ukuran maksimal 4 inci. Layar muka Honeycomb juga memakai papan menu yang selalu nampak di bagian bawah layar. Papan ini berisi notifikasi, status sistem, dan navigasi di layar selain tampilan jam, mode redup, dan lain-lain. Sementara itu tampilan papan aksi di bagian atas akan tergantung pada aplikasinya.
- Multitasking yang lebih mudah dengan adanya peluncur aplikasi yang baru dijalankan (recent apps). Tool ini terdapat di sistem bar sehingga selalu terlihat dan memudahkan untuk berpindah antaraplikasi tanpa perlu masuk ke dalam menu.
- Papan ketik virtual yang bersahabat dan mudah digunakan. Layarnya lebih alami dan lebih besar dengan meniru tampilan papan ketik notebook/laptop dan bukan seperti papan ketik ponsel.
- Copy/paste yang lebih baik dengan tambahan opsi menu untuk operasi manipulasi teks. Papan menu di bagian atas akan menyediakan berbagai opsi seperti cut, copy, copy ke clipboard, share, paste, pencarian ke web, hingga pencarian lokal.
- Peningkatan koneksi termasuk wifi dan Bluetooth untuk tethering. Pemindaian atas wifi ditingkatkan sehingga bisa mempercepat penyambungan koneksi sementara dengan Bluetooth pengguna bisa melakukan tether dan membagi koneksinya dengan perangkat lain termasuk dukungan ke perangkat sederhana yang tidak memiliki antarmuka pengguna.
- Penjelajahan web anonim juga didukung dalam Honeycomb. Pengguna bisa menjelajah web secara privat termasuk mode incognito untuk melakukan pencarian di web secara diam-diam. Selain itu browsernya juga diubah dari multi-window menjadi tabulasi dengan halaman terbuka akan ditampilkan pada papan yang berada di bagian atas layar. Sinkronisasi bookmark juga tersedia berkat opsi akun Google untuk segala aktivitas.
- Aplikasi yang sudah ada juga akan tetap bekerja baik meski aplikasi yang tersedia di Android Market saat ini didesain untuk smartphone yang memiliki ukuran layar lebih kecil. Tombol fungsi menu yang ada di ponsel Android sekarang digantikan dengan menu Action Bar. Ada juga opsi bagi developer untuk membuat tata letak bagi layar yang lebih besar dan menambahkannya pada aplikasi yang sudah mereka buat.
- Pengorganisasian email lebih mudah dengan tampilan dua bagian layar. Ini seakan meniru tampilan pada iPad yang bekerja dengan mengesankan. Pengorganisasian menjadi lebih mudah termasuk adanya fitur sinkronisasi email.
- Widget akan lebih interaktif dengan fungsi yang lebih beragam dan tidak hanya pasif menunggu informasi dari penguna. Gerakan tangan dan jari juga bisa digunakan untuk menggulung layar secara 3D untuk menyusun konten termasuk operasi navigasi yang lebih menyenangkan.
7. Android v4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich
- Home Screen - Terlihat dengan gaya layaknya honeycomb (versi android untuk tablet). Kita dapat merubah ukuran widget seseuka kita, sehingga tampilannya akan terlihat lebih nyaman.Ikon aplikasi dapat diseret ke dalam folder, ala IOS. Tapi Ice Cream Sandwich lebih unggul dari iPhone dengan membiarkan Anda menempatkan kontak seseorang (atau setidaknya jalan pintas speed dial) ke dalam folder juga, dan bahkan menempatkan orang dalam Sedikit update pada bagian keyboard yaitu kemampuan inline pemeriksaan ejaan. Sayangnya masih belum support bahasa Indonesia.
- Browser - Perubahan yang cukup sigifikan terletak pada tampilan browser. Browser ini mampu membuka hingga 16 tab! tampilannya pun tidak berbentuk horizontal pada umumnya, namun berbentuk vertikal dan bertumpuk.Umumnya kita terkadang juga lebih minat tampilan versi desktop sebuah situs dan yang kita lakukan adalah menghilangkan sudomain “m.” pada url browser kita atau mencari link ‘dekstop view’ pada sebuah situs, namun dengan versi android ICS kita tak usah repot-repot melakukan hal itu, cukup memilih option – full screen, kita akan mendapatkan tampilan website versi desktop.
- Email - Aplikasi Gmail pun tidak luput dari update. Kita dapat memilih beberapa email sekaligus untuk mempercepat pengarsipan. Kita juga dapat membolak-balik email Anda horizontal, untuk membaca lebih cepat, dan bahkan mencari hingga 30 hari ke belakang, tanpa terhubung ke jaringan.
- Mobile Data - Sebenarnya fitur ini sudah ada di versi android sebelum-sebelumnya, yaitu kita dapat menonaktifkan mobile data Anda untuk menghindari biaya yang tidak diinginkan dari operator nirkabel. Kita juga dapat melihat grafik bulana penggunaan data kita, namun bedanya disini penontrolan ini lebih spesifik. Kita dapat melihat aplikasi apa yang paling menyedot kuota internet kita. Saat ditemukan, kita juga dapat membatasi kuota untuk aplikasi bersangkutan. Its awesome and usefull bagi kita yang di indonesia!
- Video dan Foto - Kamera baru pada ponsel Galaxy Nexus memiliki zero shutter lag, dan mendukung video 1080p, time-lapse video photography, dan pilihan lainnya. Tapi di luar itu, semua perangkat Ice Cream Sandwich akan membiarkan Anda berbagi foto langsung dari dalam kamera, dan melihat semua gambar Anda tidak hanya diorganisasi oleh waktu tetapi dengan lokasi atau bahkan orang-orang.Dan seperti pada iPhone, Anda dapat melakukan beberapa pengeditan dasar pada kamera.
- Desain cantik - OS Android terbaru ini memiliki penampilan yang jauh berbeda dari Gingerbread. Tampilannya lebih elegan, dan fitur notifikasinya pun diperkaya dan lebih interaktif. Google juga melakukan perbaikan dengan sejumlah font baru yang optimal untuk display HD.Interface-nya pun terlihat teratur. Di Android terbaru ini, penggunanya bisa melihat aplikasi terkini (recent apps), yang baru dibuka dan bisa multi tasking dalam membuka apps. Tampilan recent apps ini terlihat seperti yang digunakan di Honeycomb.Home-screen di Ice Cream Sandwich kini dilengkapi widget yang ukurannya bisa disesuaikan (resizeable). Kemudian, fitur baru yang dilakukan di home screen adalah bisa membuat folder, serta action bar yang bisa dikustomisasi secara cepat.
- Face Unlock - Sistem operasi terbaru Android ini melakukan perbaikan fitur yang ada dan penambahan fitur baru yang berhubungan dengan keamanan.Dengan fitur "Face Unlock", Galaxy Nexus dapat mengenali wajah Anda, dan Anda bisa membuka kunci (unlock) dengan identifikasi wajah. wow keren bukan?
- Berfoto lebih mudah dan Edit Langsung - Meski ponsel dalam keadaan terkunci, Anda bisa langsung mengambil foto dengan tombol kamera. Sebelum dibagikan ke Facebook, bisa langsung mengedit foto dengan aplikasi bernama Instagram. Fitur panorama foto juga terpasang di perangkat ini.
- Google+ - Selain itu, Ice Cream Sandwich dilengkapi dengan Google+. Canggihnya, Anda bisa melakukan telekonferensi hingga dengan sepuluh orang dengan fitur Hangout di Google+.
- Instant voice - Kini Anda bisa menekan tombol perintah suara dan mulai berbicara, tapi teks langsung muncul saat Anda masih berbicara. Ini berbeda dengan Android sebelumnya, juga iOS, yang melakukan itu secara bertahap.
- Android Beam - Fitur ini merupakan fitur berdasarkan teknologi NFC. Dengan teknologi NDEF Push, dua ponsel Android yang menggunakan teknologi NFC bisa melakukan pertukaran data dan informasi. Jadi dengan hanya men-tap, maka kontak, webpage, video, atau musik bisa ditransfer, sama seperti menggunakan bluetooth.
Setelah desas-desus mengenai OS penerus ICS yang terhitung masih baru
tersebut beredar, kini Google telah membuka tabir tentang sistem operasi
Android teranyar itu yakni Android versi 4.1 atau disebut sebagai Android Jelly Bean.
Sementara gadget pertama yang memakai OS ini secara langsung adalah Google Nexus 7 yang diproduksi oleh Asus (dulu dirumorkan sebagai Asus Memo).
Google secara resmi telah memamerkan Jelly Bean sebagai generasi terbaru dari Android. Sistem operasi ini pun disebut-sebut punya sejumlah fitur yang telah disempurnakan dari generasi sebelumnya.
Sementara gadget pertama yang memakai OS ini secara langsung adalah Google Nexus 7 yang diproduksi oleh Asus (dulu dirumorkan sebagai Asus Memo).
Google secara resmi telah memamerkan Jelly Bean sebagai generasi terbaru dari Android. Sistem operasi ini pun disebut-sebut punya sejumlah fitur yang telah disempurnakan dari generasi sebelumnya.
Melalui gelaran Google I/O yang digelar di San Francisco, Amerika
Serikat, tabir Android Jelly Bean yang belakangan mulai hangat
diperbincangkan akhirnya tersingkap.
Ada beberapa perubahan besar atau pun perubahan kecil yang membuat Jelly Bean terlihat lebih 'manis' dibanding Ice Cream Sanwich (ICS).
Ada beberapa perubahan besar atau pun perubahan kecil yang membuat Jelly Bean terlihat lebih 'manis' dibanding Ice Cream Sanwich (ICS).
- Tak ada lagi berkat teknologi Project Butter - Android ICS sudah cukup mempesona dengan tingkat responsifitas yang lebih baik, namun Jelly Bean menawarkan kenyamanan yang lebih berkat Project Butter.Project Butter dalam Jelly Bean tak hanya mengubah tampilan Android lebih menarik, namun diklaim juga dirancang untuk mengoptimalkan kemampuan System on Chip (SoC) pada tiap-tiap ponsel.Google mengklaim ada 3 hal yang membuat Project Butter tampil mempesona, Vsync untuk anti flickr, lalu Triple Buffering untuk mengoptimalkan OpenGL, kemudian optimalisasi pada prosesor untuk meningkatkan responsifitas ponsel.Jadi bukan cuma sentuhan saja yang direspon dengan cepat, Jelly Bean juga membuat perpindahan aplikasi s
- Aplikasi Google Now - Google Now merupakan aplikasi berbasis lokasi yang diklaim mampu memberikan banyak informasi kepada penggunanya, ini adalah salah satu fitur unggulan di Jelly Bean.Tak seperti sistem berbasis lokasi pada umumnya, Google Now dapat bekerja menggunakan search history dari browser, kalender serta lokasi pengguna. Hal ini diyakini dapat menghasilkan informasi yang lebih relevan untuk masing-masing pengguna.Misalnya, ketika pengguna sedang ada jadwal meeting disuatu tempat. Google Now akan membantu Anda untuk mengingatkan agar datang tepat waktu dengan menginformasikan estimasi lama perjalanan, jadwal bus untuk sampai ke tempat tujuan, dan lain-lain.
- Notifikasi Kini lebih Pintar - Bar notifikasi yang ada di Jelly Bean kini dibuat lebih pintar. Katakanlah ketika pengguna mendapat panggilan tak terjawab, maka untuk menelpon kembali melalui bar notifikasi tersebut.
- Ukuran Widget Selalu Pas - Widget kini semakin cerdas. Mereka kini dapat menyesuaikan ukuran secara otomatis dengan space yang tersisa di layar. Sehingga widget berukuran besar sekali pun akan tetap lebih sedap dipandang.
- Pencarian dengan Suara makin canggih - Memang, sudah sejak lama pengguna bisa melakukan pencarian web dengan perintah suara di Android, tapi kini fitur tersebut dibuat lebih pintar dengan kemampuan menjawab.Android Jelly Bean rencananya akan dirilis mulai pertengahan Juli 2012. Sistem operasi ini tampaknya akan terlebih dahulu menyambangi Galaxy Nexus, Nexus S dan Motorola Xoom.
- Tampilan Galery Foto Diperbarui - Pada Android ICS pengguna sudah ditawarkan mengambil gambar tanpa lag serta kemampuan Burts yang memukau, di Jelly Bean pembenahan justru dilakukan pada aplikasi galery foto.
daftar peraih UN SMP tertinggi
Daftar 10 Provinsi Peraih Nilai UN SMP Tertinggi 2013 - Meski pengumuman hasil UN SMP 2013 masih
akan diumumkan secara serentak besok, Sabtu (01/06/2013). Namun
keberadaan hasil raihan nilau UN SMP terbaik untuk tahun 2013 tersebut
sudah diungkapkan langsung oleh Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Mohammad Nuh.
Seperti yang diungkapkan oleh Mohammad Nuh kepada media, menyebutkan bahwa hasil nilai UN SMP 2013 diraih oleh Provinsi DKI Jakarta dan disusul oleh Provinsi Sumatera Utara menempati posisi kedua.
"Nilai rata-rata UN murni SMP yang tertinggi jatuh pada provinsi DKI Jakarta. Akhirnya, Jakarta muncul juga jadi yang pertama tahun ini," katanya di Jakarta, Jumat.
Lebih lanjut Meteri juga mengungkapkan bahwa siswa SMP dengan nilai UN tertinggi berasal dari Provinsi DKI Jakarta, yaitu Stella Angelina dari SMP Kasih Karunia di Jakarta Barat dengan rata-rata nilai 9,90 dan Petra Julian Abigail dari SMP Tarakanita 4 Jakarta Timur dengan rata-rata nilai 9,90.
"Selain mereka berdua yang mendapat nilai 9,9 juga ada dari SMPN 1 Denpasar, Bali, Anak Agung Ayu Vira Sonia," kata Nuh.
Nuh juga merinci bahwa ada 12 murid yang mendapat nilai rata-rata UN murni tertinggi, sembilan murid perempuan dan tiga murid laki-laki.
Selain itu Nuh juga mengungkapkan bahwa ada satu sekolah SMP yang berhasil mencapai nilai UN rata-rata tertinggi pertama seluruh Indonesia, yaitu SMP Negeri 1 Magelang yang memiliki 162 siswa dengan nilai rata-rata 9,14.
Berikut adalah daftar 10 Provinsi peraih nilai UN SMP tertinggi 2013 seperti yang diungkapkan oleh Mohammad Nuh dan dilansir oleh Karo Cyber dari situs SOLOPOS:
1. Provinsi DKI Jakarta (7,50)
2. Provinsi Sumatera Utara (7,10)
3. Provinsi Sumatera Selatan (6,75)
4. Provinsi Papua Barat (6,67)
5. Provinsi Jawa Timur (6,61)
6. Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah (6,55)
7. Provinsi Bali (6,45)
8. Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat (6,44)
9. Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan (6,42)
10. Provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta (6,39)
Seperti yang diungkapkan oleh Mohammad Nuh kepada media, menyebutkan bahwa hasil nilai UN SMP 2013 diraih oleh Provinsi DKI Jakarta dan disusul oleh Provinsi Sumatera Utara menempati posisi kedua.
"Nilai rata-rata UN murni SMP yang tertinggi jatuh pada provinsi DKI Jakarta. Akhirnya, Jakarta muncul juga jadi yang pertama tahun ini," katanya di Jakarta, Jumat.
Lebih lanjut Meteri juga mengungkapkan bahwa siswa SMP dengan nilai UN tertinggi berasal dari Provinsi DKI Jakarta, yaitu Stella Angelina dari SMP Kasih Karunia di Jakarta Barat dengan rata-rata nilai 9,90 dan Petra Julian Abigail dari SMP Tarakanita 4 Jakarta Timur dengan rata-rata nilai 9,90.
"Selain mereka berdua yang mendapat nilai 9,9 juga ada dari SMPN 1 Denpasar, Bali, Anak Agung Ayu Vira Sonia," kata Nuh.
Nuh juga merinci bahwa ada 12 murid yang mendapat nilai rata-rata UN murni tertinggi, sembilan murid perempuan dan tiga murid laki-laki.
Selain itu Nuh juga mengungkapkan bahwa ada satu sekolah SMP yang berhasil mencapai nilai UN rata-rata tertinggi pertama seluruh Indonesia, yaitu SMP Negeri 1 Magelang yang memiliki 162 siswa dengan nilai rata-rata 9,14.
Berikut adalah daftar 10 Provinsi peraih nilai UN SMP tertinggi 2013 seperti yang diungkapkan oleh Mohammad Nuh dan dilansir oleh Karo Cyber dari situs SOLOPOS:
1. Provinsi DKI Jakarta (7,50)
2. Provinsi Sumatera Utara (7,10)
3. Provinsi Sumatera Selatan (6,75)
4. Provinsi Papua Barat (6,67)
5. Provinsi Jawa Timur (6,61)
6. Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah (6,55)
7. Provinsi Bali (6,45)
8. Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat (6,44)
9. Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan (6,42)
10. Provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta (6,39)
hasil kelulusan sd smp sma/ smk KEBUMEN
Dikpora Harap Peringkat Kelulusan Kebumen Naik
Nurkhafid - Kebumen, Meski hasil ujian nasional (UN) telah diumumkan pada Senin (16/5) kemarin namun hingga hari ini Dikpora Kabupaten Kebumen, Jawa Tengah belum dapat mengetahui kedudukan peringkat rangking kelulusan untuk Kebumen di tingkat Propinsi Jawa Tengah.
Demikian dikatakan Sekretaris UN tingkat SMA, MA dan SMK, Dikpora Kebumen, Suwandi.
Suwandi mengatakan, hingga hari ini pihaknya belum mendapatkan lampiran peringkat kelulusan kabupaten Kebumen di tingkat propinsi Jawa Tengah.
Namun, ujarnya ia berharap dengan meningkatnya jumlah kelulusan siswa di Kebumen pada tahun ini dapat meningkatkan rangking Kabupaten Kebumen di Jawa Tengah.
Tahun lalu, ujar Suwandi, Kabupeten Kebumen menduduki peringkat ke-23 dari 25 kabupaten/kota di Jawa Tengah.
Sementara untuk nilai rata-rata tertinggi diraih SMA 1 Kebumen dengan nilai rata-rata 51.78, disusul SMA 1 Gombong dengan nilai rata-rata 50.01, dan MAN Kutowinangun dengan nilai rata-rata 49,6.
Sedangkan untuk tingkat SMK, nilai rata-rata tertinggi diraih SMKN 1 Gombong dengan nilai rata-rata 37, 79, SMKN 2 Kebupen dengan nilai rata-rata 33,19 dan SMKN 1 Kebumen dengan nilai rata-rata 32,98. (sik)
cit cheat winning taerbaru 2013-2014 asli !!!
1. Lemparan jauh : L2+R2+Atas,Atas,Kotak,Sgitiga,O
-gunakan cheat pada saat Bola out
2. Wasit Sabar : R2,R1,L2.L1,Select
-gunakan cheat pada saat Loding kick off
3. Supporter lebih banyak : Atas,Atas,Atas,R1,R1,L2,Segitiga,O,O,O
-gunakan cheat pada saat Loding kick off
4. Vitalitas nambah : Select3x,Kotak,Kotak,X,R2,R1,L2,L1,Segitiga,L1,Kotak,X
-gunakan cheat pada saat Loding formasi
5. Semangat tinggi : L2,L1,Kotak,Kotak,Segitiga,Segitiga,L1,O
-gunakan cheat pada saat Loding kick off
6. Lari lebih cepat : O,Kotak,X,R1,R2,L2,L1,L1,X
-gunakan cheat pada saat Bawa bola
7. Tendangan keras : Kotak,Kotak,Kotak,Kotak,Kotak,O,Kotak,O,Kotak,O,Kotak,O,O
-gunakan cheat pada saat Bola mati
8. Cidera dan sembuh : L2+L1,Segitiga,O,Segitiga,O,Segitiga
-gunakan cheat pada saat Pemain keluar
9. Akurasi plus : Kotak,Atas,Kotak,Atas,Kotak,Atas,Kotak,Atas
-gunakan cheat pada saat Loding formasi
10. Tackling maut : Select,Atas,O,Atas,O
-gunakan cheat pada saat Bola mati
11. Wasit buta : Kiri,Kotak,Kanan,Kiri,Kotak,Kanan,Kiri,Kotak,Kanan
-gunakan cheat pada saat Loding kick off
12. GK lemah : Select+L1,Kanan,Kanan,Kanan,Kanan,Segitiga,Segitiga
-gunakan cheat pada saat Loding kick off
13. Bola berat : Select+Atas,Bawah,Kotak,Kotak,O,Atas,Atas
-gunakan cheat pada saat Bola mati
14. Blank layar : R1+L1
-gunakan cheat pada saat Loading freekick
15. Heading kuat : Kotak,Atas,Select+Segitiga,Kotak,Kotak,Segitiga
-gunakan cheat pada saat Corner
16. Tendangan gledeg : R2+Kotak,Kotak,Kotak,Atas,Atas,R1,L1,Kotak,Kkotak
-gunakan cheat pada saat Bawa bola
17. Icon fress : R2+Segitiga
-gunakan cheat pada saat Loding formasi
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Terkadang kawan menyerah ketika sedang bermain game.Seakan-akan game ini mustahil untuk di tahlukan. Nah kawan pasti perlu bantuan, namun ini bisa di sebur sebagai kelicikan.
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Mau ngecheat langsung aja di <supercheats.com>
Jika kawan hendak menahlukan game dengan cara licik atau istilah lainnya nge-cheat , Ssaya akan memberikan tipsnya. tapi sebelumnya kenalkan saya dulu nama saya Febry Trihariyadi, saya berasal dari gombong kebumen jawa tengah.Sebenarnya saya tidak terlalu suka dengan game yang menghabiskan waktu sia-sia. Lebih baik kita berolah raga atau hal positif lainnya.jangan kita jadikan negara ini semakin terbodohi.
Mau ngecheat langsung aja di <supercheats.com>
narative text jawa timur
Jantur and Menur
JANTUR and Menur were twins. Jantur was a boy and Menur was a girl and they had different personalities. Jantur was lazy, he got angry easily. He always said bad words when he was angry. However, Menur was a very kind, diligent, patient and always helped their parents. She always reminded her brother to behave well.
“Menur! Where are you? I'm hungry! Give me some food!” said Jantur.
“Be patient Jantur I'm still cooking, the food is not ready yet. Why don't you help me mop the floor? Father and mother will be home soon,” said Menur.
“Arrrgggh! What took you so long?
I’m hungry, you are so slow!” said Janur. And he said bad words to Menur.
Menur was very sad. She cried. When their parents went home, Menur told them about JanturÃs bad behavior. Her father then advised him. However, Jantur did not want to listen to him. He ignored him, and it was getting worse. Jantur asked his parents and his sister to leave the house. They were very sad. They never thought that Jantur would ask them to leave the house.
After his parents and his sister left he house, Jantur lived alone. At first he felt very happy because no one disturbed him. He could do anything he wanted. He even spent his parents’ money for bad things. When all the money was gone, he sold his parents animals, cows, goats, cocks and hens.
Meanwhile, Menur and her parents lived in another place. When they left home, they did not bring anything. Because they worked very hard, they could build a new home and they had new animals.
They were rich.
How about Jantur? Soon all his parents’ wealth was gone. Jantur was lazy, he did not want to work. He wanted to have much money in an easy way. So he sold the last wealth, it was the house.
After Jantur sold the house, again, he spent the money foolishly. It was not surprising that Jantur became poor again. He did not have any money and he did not have a house. His body was very thin. He suffered skin disease, his skin was full of black dots.
Jantur did not have a way to go, he just walked and walked. Finally, he arrived at his parents’ house.
Menur was in front of the house sweeping the floor. At first, they did not recognize each other. Menur thought that Jantur was a beggar.
“Are you hungry? Here, I have some food,” said Menur.
Jantur was happy. He was so hungry that he did not recognize his sister. However Menur knew him.
“Jantur? Is that you brother? Father, mother, Jantur is here!!” screamed Menur.
“Jantur my son, what happened to you?” said his mother. Jantur was surprised.
“Mother, is that really you? Father, mother, and Menur! Please forgive me. I was punished by God. I suffer an illness, I’m poor, and I don’t have a house to live. I have done bad things to you all. I promise I will be good,” promised Jantur.
The family now reunited. They have already forgiven Jantur and amazingly Jantur was cured. And as he promised, Jantur became a very good man. ***
A Farmer and His Three Cats
Folklore From East Java
THERE was a poor farmer in Madura. He
lived with his wife and his children. The farmer did not have his own
rice field. He worked for his neighbors' rice field. He only got small
amount of money when harvest came.
The farmer really wanted to have his own
rice field. However, he did not have enough money to buy a piece of
land. The farmer told his wife that he wanted to go to Java. He wanted
to work there and got a lot of money.
The farmer left his house with a little money. On the way of the harbor, he met an old woman. She brought three cats.
"Please help me, Sir. I'm so hungry and I don't have any money. Please buy my cats," said the old woman.
The farmer was confused. he wanted to help the woman, but if he bought her cats, he would not bring any money.
Finally, he decided to buy the cats. The woman was very happy. she gave him a small cage so the farmer could put the cats in it.
Later the farmer was on the ship. At
first the cruise was good, but suddenly there was a heavy storm. The
ship could not continue the cruise to Java. It harbored in Mice Island.
People named it Mice Island because there were so many mice lived in the
island. The nice attacked people's barn and ate their supplies. The
people were hopeless. They did not know how to combat the mice.
The farmer heard about the people's
problem with the mice. He remembered about his three cats. he wanted to
help the people by giving them his three cats.
The people really welcomed the farmer's
help. And soon the farmer released his three cats. The cats had not
eaten for a long time. they were very hungry. And when the cats saw the
mice, they immediately chased and ate the mice.
Slowly the number of the mice decreased.
the people were very happy. They wanted to repay the farmer's kindness.
They all gave him a lot of money. The farmer was extremely happy. he
went back to his home in Madura.
The farmer was not poor anymore. he bought land and his own rice field. He lived happily with his family.
His neighbor was jealous with the
farmer. He also wanted to have a lot of money. He heard about the Mice
island. So he collected many cats and joined a ship.
Finally he arrived in Mice Island.
However, the name of the island was not Mice Island anymore. Its name
changed into Cat island. The three cats that the farmer brought had
bred. It made the island full of cats.
And so when he offered his cats to the people, they all were laughing at him.
"What? Are you kidding?! We have too many cats here. we don't need your cats!"
He was so embarrassed. Finally he went home to Madura and brought his cats back to him.***
source: jongjava.com |
Did you know?
Raas Cat is one of the purest Indonesian cat breed with special characteristics, located in Madura.
Find out more!
The Legend of Telaga Pasir
Folklore from East Java
ONCE upon a time, there lived a husband and wife in the jungle of Lawu Mountain, East Java. They were Kyai Pasir and his wife Nyai Pasir. They lived peacefully. Kyai Pasir was a farmer. He worked in a field. Nyai Pasir just stayed at home. Everyday she cleaned up the house and cooked for them.
It was a beautiful morning, Kyai Pasir left the house and went to his field. While he was walking, he stumbled upon something. He looked at the thing carefully, "What is this? Is this an egg? But what kind of egg is this? It's very big."
Kyai Pasir put the egg back to the ground. He continued walking. At home, Kyai Pasir told his wife about the egg. "Why didn't you bring the egg home?" asked Nyai Pasir.
"It's really big. I feel really strange about the egg," explained Kyai Pasir.
"If the egg is really big, then we both can eat. Please bring the egg home, Kyai," asked Nyai Pasir.
On the following days, Kyai Pasir went to the field as usual. He planned to bring the egg home as his wife's request.
Kyai Pasir was walking carefully . he did not want to stumble upon the egg for the second time. He looked around. And aha! He found the egg. He carefully brought the egg home.
"Nyai, this is the egg I told you."
"You are right, Kyai. The egg is big. I wonder what animal has this egg."
Nyai Pasit did not wait for long to boil the egg. And when it was done, they both ate the egg.
They both felt very full. And it made them very sleepy. Not long after that they fell asleep. In the morning Kyai and Nyai Pasir woke up as usual. Kyai Pasir took a bath then he went to the field.
On the way to the field, he felt his body so uncomfortable. He felt his body itchy. He stretched his body. Suddenly he felt his throat so hot. He badly needed water. He was screaming in pain. He was so shocked! he saw his skin changed into scales. Just like scales of reptile. He touched his head. He felt something was growing on his head. He was completely shocked. A horn was growing. And he also had a tail. His body slowly getting bigger. He changed into a dragon!
Meanwhile, at home Nyai Pasir also felt the same. She was so panicked. She was screaming. She was running to the field. She wanted to look for her husband. When she arrived at the field, she saw a dragon was moving his body on the ground.
Slowly Nyai Pasir also changed into a dragon. The two dragons were trying to walk but they were too weak to do that. They just could move their bodies on the ground. They moved their bodies so heavily and it made a very big hole. The hole was getting deeper and deeper. Soon water came out of the hole. The water came out very much. And it made a lake. Since then, people named the lake as Telaga Pasir. ***
ONCE upon a time, there lived a husband and wife in the jungle of Lawu Mountain, East Java. They were Kyai Pasir and his wife Nyai Pasir. They lived peacefully. Kyai Pasir was a farmer. He worked in a field. Nyai Pasir just stayed at home. Everyday she cleaned up the house and cooked for them.
It was a beautiful morning, Kyai Pasir left the house and went to his field. While he was walking, he stumbled upon something. He looked at the thing carefully, "What is this? Is this an egg? But what kind of egg is this? It's very big."
Kyai Pasir put the egg back to the ground. He continued walking. At home, Kyai Pasir told his wife about the egg. "Why didn't you bring the egg home?" asked Nyai Pasir.
"It's really big. I feel really strange about the egg," explained Kyai Pasir.
"If the egg is really big, then we both can eat. Please bring the egg home, Kyai," asked Nyai Pasir.
On the following days, Kyai Pasir went to the field as usual. He planned to bring the egg home as his wife's request.
Kyai Pasir was walking carefully . he did not want to stumble upon the egg for the second time. He looked around. And aha! He found the egg. He carefully brought the egg home.
"Nyai, this is the egg I told you."
"You are right, Kyai. The egg is big. I wonder what animal has this egg."
Nyai Pasit did not wait for long to boil the egg. And when it was done, they both ate the egg.
They both felt very full. And it made them very sleepy. Not long after that they fell asleep. In the morning Kyai and Nyai Pasir woke up as usual. Kyai Pasir took a bath then he went to the field.
On the way to the field, he felt his body so uncomfortable. He felt his body itchy. He stretched his body. Suddenly he felt his throat so hot. He badly needed water. He was screaming in pain. He was so shocked! he saw his skin changed into scales. Just like scales of reptile. He touched his head. He felt something was growing on his head. He was completely shocked. A horn was growing. And he also had a tail. His body slowly getting bigger. He changed into a dragon!
Meanwhile, at home Nyai Pasir also felt the same. She was so panicked. She was screaming. She was running to the field. She wanted to look for her husband. When she arrived at the field, she saw a dragon was moving his body on the ground.
Slowly Nyai Pasir also changed into a dragon. The two dragons were trying to walk but they were too weak to do that. They just could move their bodies on the ground. They moved their bodies so heavily and it made a very big hole. The hole was getting deeper and deeper. Soon water came out of the hole. The water came out very much. And it made a lake. Since then, people named the lake as Telaga Pasir. ***
Panji Semirang
Folklore from East Java
KURIPAN was a big kingdom. The king had a son. His name was Raden Inu Kertapati. The prince was engaged with a princess from Daha kingdom. Her name was Dewi Candra Kirana. One day, Raden Inu Kertapati planned to visit Daha kingdom. He wanted to meet his fiance.
Raden Inu Kertapati went to Daha kingdom with his guards. While they were riding the horses,suddenly a group of people from Asmarantaka stopped them. The leader was Panji Semirang. Upon hearing their place of origin, Raden Inu Kertapati and his guards were alert. They heard that Asmarantaka was a place of thieves.
Panji Semarang would like to meet him. Raden Inu Kertapati agreed. However, Panji Semirang greeted him nicely. Raden Inu Kertapati almost not believe it.
"Don't believe what you heard, Raden. We are not thieves," said Panji Semirang.
Raden Inu Kertapati felt so strange. He felt he already met and knew Panji Semirang for a long time. He was really familliar with Panji Semirang.
Raden Inu Kertapati then continued his trip to Daha kingdom. When he arrived, the king welcomed him nicely. The king was accompanied by his concubine. Dewi Liku, and their daughter. Her name Dewi Ajeng. However, his fiance was not there. He asked Dewi Liku, "Where is Dewi Candra Kirana?"
"Your fience is going crazy. She left the kingdom and went to the jungle."
While talking to Raden Inu, Dewi Liku put a spell on him. She was doing black magic to him. She would make Raden Inu Kertapati forget his fience. She wanted him to marry her daughter, Dewi Ajeng.
Her planned worked. The king set a wedding party. Dewi Ajeng and Dewi Liku were extremely happy. Suddenly people were screaming.
"Fire! Fire!"
Yes, the palace was on fire. Everybody ran for help. The soldiers were trying to extinguish the fire. And some of them were rescuing the king and his family.
While Raden Inu Kertapati was leaving the palace, his memory of Dewi Candra Kirana came back. He and his guards were looking for his fience. He then remembered something. He knew why he was so familiar with Panji Semirang. He really looked like Dewi Candra Kirana. He was so sure that Panji Semirang was Dewi Candra Kirana!
Raden Inu could not find Panji Semirang anywhere. He finally arrived in Galenggang kingdom. The people there were restless. A group of thieves were stealing their property. Raden Inu and his guards helped the people. They were fighting with the tieves.
Raden Inu and his guards won the fight. The thieves ran away.
The king of Gelanggang kingdom was happy. To honour his great help, he held a party. He asked a poet to perform. His name was Jaka Asmara. His poetry was titled A very Sad Love Story. Raden Inu was touched. He felt that the poetry was about his life.
He was looking at Raden Asmara carefully. He felt so familiar with him. Suddenly he realized that Raden Asmara was Dewi Candra Kirana. She was also under the spell. The spell broke when she met Raden Inu. They were happy. Raden Inu asked her to go to his home in Kuripan kingdom. Later, they got married and lived happily ever after.***
KURIPAN was a big kingdom. The king had a son. His name was Raden Inu Kertapati. The prince was engaged with a princess from Daha kingdom. Her name was Dewi Candra Kirana. One day, Raden Inu Kertapati planned to visit Daha kingdom. He wanted to meet his fiance.
Raden Inu Kertapati went to Daha kingdom with his guards. While they were riding the horses,suddenly a group of people from Asmarantaka stopped them. The leader was Panji Semirang. Upon hearing their place of origin, Raden Inu Kertapati and his guards were alert. They heard that Asmarantaka was a place of thieves.
Panji Semarang would like to meet him. Raden Inu Kertapati agreed. However, Panji Semirang greeted him nicely. Raden Inu Kertapati almost not believe it.
"Don't believe what you heard, Raden. We are not thieves," said Panji Semirang.
Raden Inu Kertapati felt so strange. He felt he already met and knew Panji Semirang for a long time. He was really familliar with Panji Semirang.
Raden Inu Kertapati then continued his trip to Daha kingdom. When he arrived, the king welcomed him nicely. The king was accompanied by his concubine. Dewi Liku, and their daughter. Her name Dewi Ajeng. However, his fiance was not there. He asked Dewi Liku, "Where is Dewi Candra Kirana?"
"Your fience is going crazy. She left the kingdom and went to the jungle."
While talking to Raden Inu, Dewi Liku put a spell on him. She was doing black magic to him. She would make Raden Inu Kertapati forget his fience. She wanted him to marry her daughter, Dewi Ajeng.
Her planned worked. The king set a wedding party. Dewi Ajeng and Dewi Liku were extremely happy. Suddenly people were screaming.
"Fire! Fire!"
Yes, the palace was on fire. Everybody ran for help. The soldiers were trying to extinguish the fire. And some of them were rescuing the king and his family.
While Raden Inu Kertapati was leaving the palace, his memory of Dewi Candra Kirana came back. He and his guards were looking for his fience. He then remembered something. He knew why he was so familiar with Panji Semirang. He really looked like Dewi Candra Kirana. He was so sure that Panji Semirang was Dewi Candra Kirana!
Raden Inu could not find Panji Semirang anywhere. He finally arrived in Galenggang kingdom. The people there were restless. A group of thieves were stealing their property. Raden Inu and his guards helped the people. They were fighting with the tieves.
Raden Inu and his guards won the fight. The thieves ran away.
The king of Gelanggang kingdom was happy. To honour his great help, he held a party. He asked a poet to perform. His name was Jaka Asmara. His poetry was titled A very Sad Love Story. Raden Inu was touched. He felt that the poetry was about his life.
He was looking at Raden Asmara carefully. He felt so familiar with him. Suddenly he realized that Raden Asmara was Dewi Candra Kirana. She was also under the spell. The spell broke when she met Raden Inu. They were happy. Raden Inu asked her to go to his home in Kuripan kingdom. Later, they got married and lived happily ever after.***
Folklore from East Java
BRAWIJAYA was the king of Majapahit Kingdom. He had a daughter, her name was Dyah Ayu Pusparani. She was very beautiful. Many young men fell in love with her. However, she always refused their marriage proposals. King Brawijaya was sad. He really wanted to see his daughter to get married.
“You have to get married soon, my daughter,” said King Brawijaya. He continued, “I’m getting older, I know you are looking for a great husband. I have an idea, I’m going to hold a competition.
If a man can stretch Kyai Garudayaksa’s bow and lift Kyai Sekardelima’s gong, he will be your husband.
Princess Dyah Ayu Pusparani was speechless. She knew her father really wanted her to get married. She just hoped that she would marry a great man. She knew the bow and the gong had supernatural power. So the winner must had supernatural power too.
One by one men tried to stretch the bow and lifted the gong. No one succeeded. They were injured, their hands and backs were broken.
King Brawijaya planned to stop the competition. He thought no one could win the competition. However, before he stopped it, a man came to him.
“Don’t stop the competition now. I haven’t tried it yet.”
Everybody was looking at him. He was very strange. His head was unlike human’s head. He had a bull’s head.
“What’s your name?” asked the king.
“My name is Lembusura.”
Then he tried to stretch the bow, he succeeded. The next test, he had to lift the gong. Again, he succeeded. Everybody applauded. They all were amazed by his power. However, Princess Dyah
Ayu Pusparani was sad. She never thought that she would marry a man who had a bull’s head. King Brawijaya was also sad. But he had no choice. He had to keep his promise.
Later, he asked his men to prepare a wedding ceremony. The ceremony was getting closer and Princess Dyah Ayu Pusparini was really sad. She really wanted to cancel the wedding. She was thinking very hard. Finally she had an idea. She told his father.
“Father, ask Lembusura to make a well on the top of Kelud Mountain. The well is for me to take a bath,” said Princess Dyah Ayu Pusparini.
King Brawijaya understood the plan. He asked Lembusura to go to the top of Kelud Mountain. Lembusura agreed. When he arrived, Lembusura dug the ground. He was digging until the hole was deep. Suddenly, some soldiers pushed him into the hole. They buried him alive. Lembusura was helpless. He could not do anything.
Before he died, he cursed the King. “King Brawijaya, wait for my revenge. I will destroy your kingdom!” cursed Lembusura.
Everybody was so scared. They really believed that Lembusura would revenge to the kingdom. Until now, every time Kelud Mountain erupts, people say that Lembusura is doing his revenge!***
BRAWIJAYA was the king of Majapahit Kingdom. He had a daughter, her name was Dyah Ayu Pusparani. She was very beautiful. Many young men fell in love with her. However, she always refused their marriage proposals. King Brawijaya was sad. He really wanted to see his daughter to get married.
“You have to get married soon, my daughter,” said King Brawijaya. He continued, “I’m getting older, I know you are looking for a great husband. I have an idea, I’m going to hold a competition.
If a man can stretch Kyai Garudayaksa’s bow and lift Kyai Sekardelima’s gong, he will be your husband.
Princess Dyah Ayu Pusparani was speechless. She knew her father really wanted her to get married. She just hoped that she would marry a great man. She knew the bow and the gong had supernatural power. So the winner must had supernatural power too.
One by one men tried to stretch the bow and lifted the gong. No one succeeded. They were injured, their hands and backs were broken.
King Brawijaya planned to stop the competition. He thought no one could win the competition. However, before he stopped it, a man came to him.
“Don’t stop the competition now. I haven’t tried it yet.”
Everybody was looking at him. He was very strange. His head was unlike human’s head. He had a bull’s head.
“What’s your name?” asked the king.
“My name is Lembusura.”
Then he tried to stretch the bow, he succeeded. The next test, he had to lift the gong. Again, he succeeded. Everybody applauded. They all were amazed by his power. However, Princess Dyah
Ayu Pusparani was sad. She never thought that she would marry a man who had a bull’s head. King Brawijaya was also sad. But he had no choice. He had to keep his promise.
Later, he asked his men to prepare a wedding ceremony. The ceremony was getting closer and Princess Dyah Ayu Pusparini was really sad. She really wanted to cancel the wedding. She was thinking very hard. Finally she had an idea. She told his father.
“Father, ask Lembusura to make a well on the top of Kelud Mountain. The well is for me to take a bath,” said Princess Dyah Ayu Pusparini.
King Brawijaya understood the plan. He asked Lembusura to go to the top of Kelud Mountain. Lembusura agreed. When he arrived, Lembusura dug the ground. He was digging until the hole was deep. Suddenly, some soldiers pushed him into the hole. They buried him alive. Lembusura was helpless. He could not do anything.
Before he died, he cursed the King. “King Brawijaya, wait for my revenge. I will destroy your kingdom!” cursed Lembusura.
Everybody was so scared. They really believed that Lembusura would revenge to the kingdom. Until now, every time Kelud Mountain erupts, people say that Lembusura is doing his revenge!***
The Legend of Panekan
Folklore from East Java
“Where are you going?”
“I need some water for my cattle. They are thirsty.”
“Where are you going to find it?”
“I don’t know.”
It was a very common conversation for people in Magetan, East Java, a long time ago. They did not have enough water.
They needed water for their daily needs, such as taking a bath and washing dishes and clothes. They also needed water for their cattle and trees.
Actually they were quite lucky because the land was fertile. However, since they did not have enough water, the villagers could not plant a lot of trees. Therefore, the villagers sometimes had to walk very far away to fi nd water.
In every morning, the head of the village always asked some young men to find water. In one afternoon, the young men came home with good news.
“There was a water spring far from here. However, it was very difficult to go there.”
“Wol, who dares to go there?” asked the head of the village.
Some young men raised their hands.
“We will go there, Sir.”
Then those young men went to the water spring. they were right. The place was not easy to reach. They had to be very careful.
And finally they arrived. However, they saw a girl was there first. They were surprised. They all thought that a girl could not go there.
“Maybe she is not really human, maybe she is an angel,” said one man.
“Come on, let’s approach her,” said another man.
Strangely, before the men came to her, the girl disappeared.
“Look! She is over there!” he pointed to one place.
They immediately ran to come to her. Again, the girl disappeared.
“Look! What is that? It is shining!”
Exactly on the ground where the girl was standing, they found a big diamond. The diamond was
next to the well. Then they brought home the diamond and a lot of water.
When they showed the diamond to the head of the village, he said, “Our great great grand parents named this kind of diamond as Manikan.”
Then he continued. “Since the diamond was found next to the water spring. So let’s name the water spring as Manikan.”
Everybody agreed. Since then the area was named Manikan. The word Manikan had changed into Panekan. And now Panekan has become a great area in East Java. The people are happy because they have fertile land. ***
“Where are you going?”
“I need some water for my cattle. They are thirsty.”
“Where are you going to find it?”
“I don’t know.”
It was a very common conversation for people in Magetan, East Java, a long time ago. They did not have enough water.
They needed water for their daily needs, such as taking a bath and washing dishes and clothes. They also needed water for their cattle and trees.
Actually they were quite lucky because the land was fertile. However, since they did not have enough water, the villagers could not plant a lot of trees. Therefore, the villagers sometimes had to walk very far away to fi nd water.
In every morning, the head of the village always asked some young men to find water. In one afternoon, the young men came home with good news.
“There was a water spring far from here. However, it was very difficult to go there.”
“Wol, who dares to go there?” asked the head of the village.
Some young men raised their hands.
“We will go there, Sir.”
Then those young men went to the water spring. they were right. The place was not easy to reach. They had to be very careful.
And finally they arrived. However, they saw a girl was there first. They were surprised. They all thought that a girl could not go there.
“Maybe she is not really human, maybe she is an angel,” said one man.
“Come on, let’s approach her,” said another man.
Strangely, before the men came to her, the girl disappeared.
“Look! She is over there!” he pointed to one place.
They immediately ran to come to her. Again, the girl disappeared.
“Look! What is that? It is shining!”
Exactly on the ground where the girl was standing, they found a big diamond. The diamond was
next to the well. Then they brought home the diamond and a lot of water.
When they showed the diamond to the head of the village, he said, “Our great great grand parents named this kind of diamond as Manikan.”
Then he continued. “Since the diamond was found next to the water spring. So let’s name the water spring as Manikan.”
Everybody agreed. Since then the area was named Manikan. The word Manikan had changed into Panekan. And now Panekan has become a great area in East Java. The people are happy because they have fertile land. ***
Jantur and Menur
Folklore from East Java
JANTUR and Menur were twins. Jantur was a boy and Menur was a girl and they had different personalities. Jantur was lazy, he got angry easily. He always said bad words when he was angry. However, Menur was a very kind, diligent, patient and always helped their parents. She always reminded her brother to behave well.
“Menur! Where are you? IÃm hungry!
Give me some food!” said Jantur.
“Be patient Jantur IÃm still cooking, the food is not ready yet. Why donÃt you help me mop the floor? Father and mother will be home soon,” said Menur.
“Arrrgggh! What took you so long?
I’m hungry, you are so slow!” said Janur.
And he said bad words to Menur. Menur was very sad. She cried. When their parents went home, Menur told them about JanturÃs bad behavior. Her father then advised him. However, Jantur did not want to listen to him. He ignored him, and it was getting worse.
Jantur asked his parents and his sister to leave the house. They were very sad. They never thought that Jantur would ask them to leave the house.
After his parents and his sister left he house, Jantur lived alone. At fi rst he felt very happy because no one disturbed him. He could do anything he wanted. He even spent his parents’ money for bad things. When all the money was gone, he sold his parents animals, cows, goats, cocks and hens.
Meanwhile, Menur and her parents lived in another place. When they left home, they did not bring anything.
Because they worked very hard, they could build a new home and they had new animals.
They were rich.
How about Jantur? Soon all his parents’ wealth was gone. Jantur was lazy, he did not want to work. He wanted to have much money in an easy way. So he sold the last wealth, it was the house.
After Jantur sold the house, again, he spent the money foolishly. It was not surprising that Jantur became poor again.
He did not have any money and he did not have a house. His body was very thin. He suffered skin disease, his skin was full of black dots.
Jantur did not have a way to go, he just walked and walked. Finally, he arrived at his parents’ house.
Menur was in front of the house sweeping the fl oor. At fi rst, they did not recognize each other. Menur thought that Jantur was a beggar.
“Are you hungry? Here, I have some food,” said Menur.
Jantur was happy. He was so hungry that he did not recognize his sister. However Menur knew him.
“Jantur? Is that you brother? Father, mother, Jantur is here!!” screamed Menur.
“Jantur my sonÖ what happened to you?” said his mother.
Jantur was surprised. “Mother, is that really you? Father, mother, and Menur! Please forgive me. I was punished by God.
I suffer an illness, I’m poor, and I don’t have a house to live. I have done bad things to you all. I promise I will be good,” promised Jantur.
The family now reunited. They have already forgiven Jantur and amazingly Jantur was cured. And as he promised, Jantur became a very good man. ***
JANTUR and Menur were twins. Jantur was a boy and Menur was a girl and they had different personalities. Jantur was lazy, he got angry easily. He always said bad words when he was angry. However, Menur was a very kind, diligent, patient and always helped their parents. She always reminded her brother to behave well.
“Menur! Where are you? IÃm hungry!
Give me some food!” said Jantur.
“Be patient Jantur IÃm still cooking, the food is not ready yet. Why donÃt you help me mop the floor? Father and mother will be home soon,” said Menur.
“Arrrgggh! What took you so long?
I’m hungry, you are so slow!” said Janur.
And he said bad words to Menur. Menur was very sad. She cried. When their parents went home, Menur told them about JanturÃs bad behavior. Her father then advised him. However, Jantur did not want to listen to him. He ignored him, and it was getting worse.
Jantur asked his parents and his sister to leave the house. They were very sad. They never thought that Jantur would ask them to leave the house.
After his parents and his sister left he house, Jantur lived alone. At fi rst he felt very happy because no one disturbed him. He could do anything he wanted. He even spent his parents’ money for bad things. When all the money was gone, he sold his parents animals, cows, goats, cocks and hens.
Meanwhile, Menur and her parents lived in another place. When they left home, they did not bring anything.
Because they worked very hard, they could build a new home and they had new animals.
They were rich.
How about Jantur? Soon all his parents’ wealth was gone. Jantur was lazy, he did not want to work. He wanted to have much money in an easy way. So he sold the last wealth, it was the house.
After Jantur sold the house, again, he spent the money foolishly. It was not surprising that Jantur became poor again.
He did not have any money and he did not have a house. His body was very thin. He suffered skin disease, his skin was full of black dots.
Jantur did not have a way to go, he just walked and walked. Finally, he arrived at his parents’ house.
Menur was in front of the house sweeping the fl oor. At fi rst, they did not recognize each other. Menur thought that Jantur was a beggar.
“Are you hungry? Here, I have some food,” said Menur.
Jantur was happy. He was so hungry that he did not recognize his sister. However Menur knew him.
“Jantur? Is that you brother? Father, mother, Jantur is here!!” screamed Menur.
“Jantur my sonÖ what happened to you?” said his mother.
Jantur was surprised. “Mother, is that really you? Father, mother, and Menur! Please forgive me. I was punished by God.
I suffer an illness, I’m poor, and I don’t have a house to live. I have done bad things to you all. I promise I will be good,” promised Jantur.
The family now reunited. They have already forgiven Jantur and amazingly Jantur was cured. And as he promised, Jantur became a very good man. ***
The Twin Masks
Folklore from East Java
long time ago in East Java, there was a kingdom named Bintolo. The king
had a very beautiful princess. Many young men fell in love with her and
proposed her to be their wife. But the princess always refused the
wedding proposal politely. She always said that she did not want to get
married yet.
In the small village, there was a young man who lived with his mother. His father died a long time ago. The man’s job was a mask maker. He also fell in love with the princess but he did not have any courage to propose her. The man was ugly.
“How can I propose her? The princess even refused the proposal from handsome and rich men,” that’s what this ugly man always thought.
But he could not stop thinking about her. Days and nights the mask maker always thought the beautiful princess. He did not want to eat and he could not sleep either. Soon, the man was ill.
And that made his mother really worried about him.
“What's a matter with you? Is there something wrong? Please tell me.”
“I.. I... love the princess, Mother. But I’m not confident enough to express my feelings to her. I’m ugly and I’m sure the princess doesn’t want to marry me.”
The mother replied. “You are a great mask maker. Make a mask of a handsome face and wear it when you propose the princess.”
The man thought it was a great idea. He immediately made the best mask. And when the mask was finished, he wore it. Amazingly the mask really looked like a real face. So he went to the palace confidently.
“Your majesty, I’m here to propose your daughter,” said the man to the king.
“Stay here. I will talk to my daughter,” said the king.
The king then told his daughter that there was a very handsome man wanted to propose her.
“It’s all up to you, Dear. If you love him, you can marry him,” said the king.
And when the princess met the man, she fell in love with him at the first sight. She thought that he was the most handsome man in the world. Later the princess told the king that she accepted the man’s wedding proposal.
At first the man was very happy. His dream finally came true, he could marry the girl of his dream. However, he realized that the princess did not fall in love with him. But she fell in love with his mask. He then planned to tell the truth to the princess and the king. The man was ready with all the risks.
After the man told the truth about the mask, the princess was not angry.
“It is true I love you at the first time we met, because you are so handsome. But after I know you so well, I love you the way you are. Now, I want you to make the same mask you are wearing. I want to wear it in our wedding,” said the princess.
During the wedding, all the guests were surprised to see the bride and the groom were wearing the same masks. And that inspired some people to create a dance and named it Joged Topeng Kembar or Twin Masks Dance. Until now people in Lumajang, East Java, still do the dance. ***
In the small village, there was a young man who lived with his mother. His father died a long time ago. The man’s job was a mask maker. He also fell in love with the princess but he did not have any courage to propose her. The man was ugly.
“How can I propose her? The princess even refused the proposal from handsome and rich men,” that’s what this ugly man always thought.
But he could not stop thinking about her. Days and nights the mask maker always thought the beautiful princess. He did not want to eat and he could not sleep either. Soon, the man was ill.
And that made his mother really worried about him.
“What's a matter with you? Is there something wrong? Please tell me.”
“I.. I... love the princess, Mother. But I’m not confident enough to express my feelings to her. I’m ugly and I’m sure the princess doesn’t want to marry me.”
The mother replied. “You are a great mask maker. Make a mask of a handsome face and wear it when you propose the princess.”
The man thought it was a great idea. He immediately made the best mask. And when the mask was finished, he wore it. Amazingly the mask really looked like a real face. So he went to the palace confidently.
“Your majesty, I’m here to propose your daughter,” said the man to the king.
“Stay here. I will talk to my daughter,” said the king.
The king then told his daughter that there was a very handsome man wanted to propose her.
“It’s all up to you, Dear. If you love him, you can marry him,” said the king.
And when the princess met the man, she fell in love with him at the first sight. She thought that he was the most handsome man in the world. Later the princess told the king that she accepted the man’s wedding proposal.
At first the man was very happy. His dream finally came true, he could marry the girl of his dream. However, he realized that the princess did not fall in love with him. But she fell in love with his mask. He then planned to tell the truth to the princess and the king. The man was ready with all the risks.
After the man told the truth about the mask, the princess was not angry.
“It is true I love you at the first time we met, because you are so handsome. But after I know you so well, I love you the way you are. Now, I want you to make the same mask you are wearing. I want to wear it in our wedding,” said the princess.
During the wedding, all the guests were surprised to see the bride and the groom were wearing the same masks. And that inspired some people to create a dance and named it Joged Topeng Kembar or Twin Masks Dance. Until now people in Lumajang, East Java, still do the dance. ***
The Legend of Banyuwangi
Folklore from East Java
ONCE upon a time in Sindureja Kingdom, King Sidareja was talking to his vice regent, his name was Patih Sidapaksa. The King asked Patih Sidapaksa to give him the flesh of a young deer.
The King also fell in love with her. The King had a bad plan. He wanted to marry Sri Tanjung. So he gave Patih Sidapaksa a very difficult mission. The King asked Patih Sidapaksa to give him three golden rings from Indran Kingdom. Patih Sidapaksa knew the mission was more difficult than hunting a young deer. Indran Kingdom was not an ordinary kingdom. It was a kingdom of criminals! No one ever came back after going there. However he still accepted the mission. And before he left, he asked Sri Tanjung to wait for him.
ONCE upon a time in Sindureja Kingdom, King Sidareja was talking to his vice regent, his name was Patih Sidapaksa. The King asked Patih Sidapaksa to give him the flesh of a young deer.
Patih Sidapaksa took the mission.
When he arrived in the jungle, he saw a young deer. He pointed his arrow
to the deer. Unfortunately, he missed the target. He ran after the
deer. He was running and running until he arrived at a hut. Patih Sidapaksa knocked the door.
A young and beautiful girl opened the door. She was very beautiful. Patih Sidapaksa fell in love at the first sight.“How can I help you Sir?” asked the girl.
"I...I...am looking for a young deer", Patih Sidapaksa was speechless.
"I...I...am looking for a young deer", Patih Sidapaksa was speechless.
"You can find a lot of deer in the jungle. But it's already late and it
will be dark soon. You can continue hunting tomorrow morning. You can
come and spend the night here. Both my father and I are happy to welcome
you", said the girl.
Patih Sidapaksa accepted the offer.
He introduced himself. The girl's name was Sri Tanjung and her father's name was Ki Buyut.
In the morning, Patih Sidapaksa continued his hunting and after he got a young deer he returned to the hut.
He came back because he wanted to marry Sri Tanjung. Luckily, Sri Tanjung also loved him.
Later Patih Sidapaksa asked them to join him to the palace. The King was very happy Patih Sidapaksa brought him a young deer. However he was also amazed by the beauty of Sri Tanjung.
The King also fell in love with her. The King had a bad plan. He wanted to marry Sri Tanjung. So he gave Patih Sidapaksa a very difficult mission. The King asked Patih Sidapaksa to give him three golden rings from Indran Kingdom. Patih Sidapaksa knew the mission was more difficult than hunting a young deer. Indran Kingdom was not an ordinary kingdom. It was a kingdom of criminals! No one ever came back after going there. However he still accepted the mission. And before he left, he asked Sri Tanjung to wait for him.
After Patih Sidapaksa left, the King approached Sri Tanjung. He proposed Sri Tanjung to marry him. He promised Sri Tanjung to be a queen. She did not accept the proposal. She loved Patih Sidapaksa and she already promised to wait for him. The King was angry and put her in the jail.
Luckily, Patih Sidapaksa could do the mission and came back to the palace. Sadly he could not meet Sri Tanjung. The King lied. He said Sri Tanjung was in jail because she asked the King to marry her. The King said Sri Tanjung wanted to be a queen. At first Patih Sidapaksa believed the King. But Sri Tanjung then said.
Luckily, Patih Sidapaksa could do the mission and came back to the palace. Sadly he could not meet Sri Tanjung. The King lied. He said Sri Tanjung was in jail because she asked the King to marry her. The King said Sri Tanjung wanted to be a queen. At first Patih Sidapaksa believed the King. But Sri Tanjung then said.
"Throw me to the river. If the river smells good, it means I'm innocent.
However if the river smells bad, then the King is lying", said Sri Tanjung.
Patih Sidapaksa then threw her into the river. Amazingly, the river smelled good. Patih Sidapaksa was very sorry. Sri Tanjung died. He regretted not to believe her.
When the river smelled good, people instantly said Banyuwangi. Banyu means water and Wangi means good smell. Since then the place has been named Banyuwangi. ***
Ungrateful Son
A Folktale from East Java
JATUR and Menur are twins. Jantur is a boy and Menur is a girl. Jantur and Menur are very different. Jantur is lazy and gets angry easily. When Jantur is angry, he always says bad things. On the other hand, Menur is kind, diligent, and patient girl.
When their parents are working in a paddy field, Jantur as Menur to cook. He is hungry. Menur then cooks for her brother. After the food is served, Jantur eats. Suddenly he throws the food on the floor. “What food is this? Yuck! It’s not delicious!”
Menur cries. She is very sad. But she is not angry to her brother. Slowly she collects the food on the floor and put it in the trash bin.
When their parents return home, Menur tells about the food. The father advises Jantur, “Why did you do that to your sister? She already helped you.”
Jantur is angry, “I don’t care! Her food is not delicious! I hate her.”
“Lease don’t say that. She is your sister, “ father tries to calm him down.
“Why did you defend her? Why didn’t you support me? I f you don’t love me anymore, go away! I hate you all!”
Jantur is very angry. He cannot control himself. Menur and her parents then leave the house. They now stay in a mountain. Everyday they pray to God to make Jantur becomes a good person.
Not long after that, Jantur suffers a disease. His body is full of umors. It’s very bad. Nobody wants to see him. He looks very ugly. Jantur realizes that God punishes him. He regrets. Then he leaves his house to look for his parents and his sister.
Finally he finds them. He asks for their forgiveness. “I’m sorry, Mom and Dad. I’m sorry Menur. I have done bad things to you all. Now please forgive me,” Jantur says.
“We all already forgave you, Son. Everyday we pray for you. Now God hears our pray. Come here…” Mom then hugs Jantur.
Suddenly all the tumors in Jantur’s body are gone! Jantur is very happy. “Thank you, God! Thank you, Mom, Dad, and Menur. I promise I will be a good person.***
JATUR and Menur are twins. Jantur is a boy and Menur is a girl. Jantur and Menur are very different. Jantur is lazy and gets angry easily. When Jantur is angry, he always says bad things. On the other hand, Menur is kind, diligent, and patient girl.
When their parents are working in a paddy field, Jantur as Menur to cook. He is hungry. Menur then cooks for her brother. After the food is served, Jantur eats. Suddenly he throws the food on the floor. “What food is this? Yuck! It’s not delicious!”
Menur cries. She is very sad. But she is not angry to her brother. Slowly she collects the food on the floor and put it in the trash bin.
When their parents return home, Menur tells about the food. The father advises Jantur, “Why did you do that to your sister? She already helped you.”
Jantur is angry, “I don’t care! Her food is not delicious! I hate her.”
“Lease don’t say that. She is your sister, “ father tries to calm him down.
“Why did you defend her? Why didn’t you support me? I f you don’t love me anymore, go away! I hate you all!”
Jantur is very angry. He cannot control himself. Menur and her parents then leave the house. They now stay in a mountain. Everyday they pray to God to make Jantur becomes a good person.
Not long after that, Jantur suffers a disease. His body is full of umors. It’s very bad. Nobody wants to see him. He looks very ugly. Jantur realizes that God punishes him. He regrets. Then he leaves his house to look for his parents and his sister.
Finally he finds them. He asks for their forgiveness. “I’m sorry, Mom and Dad. I’m sorry Menur. I have done bad things to you all. Now please forgive me,” Jantur says.
“We all already forgave you, Son. Everyday we pray for you. Now God hears our pray. Come here…” Mom then hugs Jantur.
Suddenly all the tumors in Jantur’s body are gone! Jantur is very happy. “Thank you, God! Thank you, Mom, Dad, and Menur. I promise I will be a good person.***
Putri Kemuning
A folktale from East Java
Putri Kemuning and her mother live in a jungle. They are poor. Putri Kemuning always helps her mother collect woods in the jungle and sell them in the market.
In the jungle, Putri Kemuning has animal friends. One day, Putri Kemuning's mother is ill. Putri Kemuning is very sad because she does not have enough money to buy medicine. She then collects many woods and plans to sell them. She wants to spend the money to buy medicine.
While She collects the woods, Putri Kemuning meets her animal friend, the rabbit. He is worried because Putri Kemuning looks very sad.
Putri Kemuning tells the problem to the rabbit.
"I can help you. Take this ring and then sell it," says the rabbit.
"Is this your ring?" asks Putri Kemuning.
"No. This is the King Ngarancang Kencono's ring. It fell when he was hunting here."
Putri Kemuning hesitates. She really needs the money but it is not her ring.
Finally she says, "No, I have to return this ring to the king."
Putri Kemuning then goes to see the king at his palace.
"What is your name and what is your purpose here?" says the king.
"My name is Putri Kemuning. I want to return your ring," says Putri Kemuning.
"Thank you very much. Now, I want to give you something. What do you want?"
"I don't want anything. I just want to go home. My mother is very ill," says Putri Kemuning.
"You are a very kind girl. Now, take this gift."
Putri Kemuning goes home. When she arrives, Putri Kemuning tells her mother about the king's ring. Her mother is very proud of her. When they open the gift, they see a bag full of gold coins. They are very happy because they can buy medicine. ***
Putri Kemuning and her mother live in a jungle. They are poor. Putri Kemuning always helps her mother collect woods in the jungle and sell them in the market.
In the jungle, Putri Kemuning has animal friends. One day, Putri Kemuning's mother is ill. Putri Kemuning is very sad because she does not have enough money to buy medicine. She then collects many woods and plans to sell them. She wants to spend the money to buy medicine.
While She collects the woods, Putri Kemuning meets her animal friend, the rabbit. He is worried because Putri Kemuning looks very sad.
Putri Kemuning tells the problem to the rabbit.
"I can help you. Take this ring and then sell it," says the rabbit.
"Is this your ring?" asks Putri Kemuning.
"No. This is the King Ngarancang Kencono's ring. It fell when he was hunting here."
Putri Kemuning hesitates. She really needs the money but it is not her ring.
Finally she says, "No, I have to return this ring to the king."
Putri Kemuning then goes to see the king at his palace.
"What is your name and what is your purpose here?" says the king.
"My name is Putri Kemuning. I want to return your ring," says Putri Kemuning.
"Thank you very much. Now, I want to give you something. What do you want?"
"I don't want anything. I just want to go home. My mother is very ill," says Putri Kemuning.
"You are a very kind girl. Now, take this gift."
Putri Kemuning goes home. When she arrives, Putri Kemuning tells her mother about the king's ring. Her mother is very proud of her. When they open the gift, they see a bag full of gold coins. They are very happy because they can buy medicine. ***
A Folktale from East Java
SIDOMUKTI and his father live in Widorokandang, East Java. Right now, Sidomukti is sad. His father is seriously ill. His father asks him to go to a jungle to take some special leaves for his medicine. Sidomukti then immediately goes to the jungle.
In the jungle, Sidomukti goes here and there to find the leaves. While he is busy searching the leaves, suddenly he finds a hut. He goes to the hut and knocks the door.
An old woman opens the door. "What can I do for you, young man?" asks her.
"My father is very ill. I want to find some special leaves for his medicine."
"Well, it's getting late outside and going to be dark soon. Why don't you stay here and spend the night in my place. You can continue searching for the leaves tomorrow," the old woman offers him help.
Sidomukti agrees. He feels very tired and wants to sleep. While he sleeping, he feels something moving on his leg. The spider stings him. Sidomukti screams in pain.
"Ouch! That's hurts!"
He is looking around the bedroom. He wants to use something to kill the black spider. He takes a broom in the corner of the room.
"Gotcha!" He kills the black spider.
Suddenly a beautiful woman comes to his room. Sidomukti is confused. He asks her. "Who are you?"
The beautiful woman answers. "Don't be afraid, young man. I was the old woman. A witch cursed me into an old woman. She also put a black spider to guard me. Actually I'm a princess. Because you already helped me, I will tell my father the King to help you."
Sidomukti and the princess then go to the kingdom. The king is very happy his daughter is back. To show his gratitude to Sidomukti, the king gave him gold. He also orders his people to help Sidomukti find the special leaves. ***
SIDOMUKTI and his father live in Widorokandang, East Java. Right now, Sidomukti is sad. His father is seriously ill. His father asks him to go to a jungle to take some special leaves for his medicine. Sidomukti then immediately goes to the jungle.
In the jungle, Sidomukti goes here and there to find the leaves. While he is busy searching the leaves, suddenly he finds a hut. He goes to the hut and knocks the door.
An old woman opens the door. "What can I do for you, young man?" asks her.
"My father is very ill. I want to find some special leaves for his medicine."
"Well, it's getting late outside and going to be dark soon. Why don't you stay here and spend the night in my place. You can continue searching for the leaves tomorrow," the old woman offers him help.
Sidomukti agrees. He feels very tired and wants to sleep. While he sleeping, he feels something moving on his leg. The spider stings him. Sidomukti screams in pain.
"Ouch! That's hurts!"
He is looking around the bedroom. He wants to use something to kill the black spider. He takes a broom in the corner of the room.
"Gotcha!" He kills the black spider.
Suddenly a beautiful woman comes to his room. Sidomukti is confused. He asks her. "Who are you?"
The beautiful woman answers. "Don't be afraid, young man. I was the old woman. A witch cursed me into an old woman. She also put a black spider to guard me. Actually I'm a princess. Because you already helped me, I will tell my father the King to help you."
Sidomukti and the princess then go to the kingdom. The king is very happy his daughter is back. To show his gratitude to Sidomukti, the king gave him gold. He also orders his people to help Sidomukti find the special leaves. ***
Putri Bunga and the Prince of Fish
Folklore from East Java
PUTRI Bunga was a kind girl. She lived with her uncle and aunt. Her parents died when she was a baby. She was an orphan.
"Aunty, I have done the chores, sweeping and mopping. Now I want to go to the river to clean the dirty plates, spoons, forks, and the cooking pot," said Putri Bunga to her aunt.
"Yes, Dear. But please be careful. And don't spend too much time there. After you have finished, go home immediately," said the aunt.
"I will, Aunty," said Putri Bunga.
Putri Bunga then rushed to the river. Her aunt watched her go.
On the way to the river, Putri Bunga sang a song. She was a truly polite girl. She greeted people she met nicely. In return, people greeted her back warmly. Everybody in the village knew her. Putri Bunga was a beautiful girl.
When arrived at the riverside, she immediately cleaned all the dirty kitchen utensils. They put them on the riverside. One by one she cleaned the plates, spoons, forks, and the last one was the cooking pot.
When she was cleaning the forks, a golden fish was rushed by the water and went into the cooking pot. Putri Bunga did not see the fish; she was too busy cleaning the forks.
Suddenly, she heard someone called her name and asked for help.
"Putri Bunga, please help me!"
Putri Bunga looked around. She did not see anyone in the riverside. She then continued cleaning the forks.
"Putri Bunga, please help me. I'm inside the cooking pot."
Putri Bunga did not believe what she heard. But she was so curious. She then looked inside the cooking pot.
"A golden fish? Why is it inside the cooking pot?" She then took the fish up.
She wanted to throw the fish back to the river.
Before she did that, the fish turned into a handsome man.
"Don't be afraid, Putri Bunga. I'm the golden fish you helped. I'm the prince of fish. I was rushed by the water and accidentally went inside your cooking pot."
The man then continued, "Putri Bunga, I have known you for a long time. Every time you go to the riverside, I always watch you. Putri Bunga, you are very beautiful. I'm in love with you. Will you marry me?"
Putri Bunga was surprised. She never thought that a prince of fish would propose her. She then said, "I will marry you. But you have to live with me and my uncle and aunt on the land. You also have to make us happy," said Putri Bunga.
The prince of fish agreed. Then they got married and lived happily ever after. ***
"Aunty, I have done the chores, sweeping and mopping. Now I want to go to the river to clean the dirty plates, spoons, forks, and the cooking pot," said Putri Bunga to her aunt.
"Yes, Dear. But please be careful. And don't spend too much time there. After you have finished, go home immediately," said the aunt.
"I will, Aunty," said Putri Bunga.
Putri Bunga then rushed to the river. Her aunt watched her go.
On the way to the river, Putri Bunga sang a song. She was a truly polite girl. She greeted people she met nicely. In return, people greeted her back warmly. Everybody in the village knew her. Putri Bunga was a beautiful girl.
When arrived at the riverside, she immediately cleaned all the dirty kitchen utensils. They put them on the riverside. One by one she cleaned the plates, spoons, forks, and the last one was the cooking pot.
When she was cleaning the forks, a golden fish was rushed by the water and went into the cooking pot. Putri Bunga did not see the fish; she was too busy cleaning the forks.
Suddenly, she heard someone called her name and asked for help.
"Putri Bunga, please help me!"
Putri Bunga looked around. She did not see anyone in the riverside. She then continued cleaning the forks.
"Putri Bunga, please help me. I'm inside the cooking pot."
Putri Bunga did not believe what she heard. But she was so curious. She then looked inside the cooking pot.
"A golden fish? Why is it inside the cooking pot?" She then took the fish up.
She wanted to throw the fish back to the river.
Before she did that, the fish turned into a handsome man.
"Don't be afraid, Putri Bunga. I'm the golden fish you helped. I'm the prince of fish. I was rushed by the water and accidentally went inside your cooking pot."
The man then continued, "Putri Bunga, I have known you for a long time. Every time you go to the riverside, I always watch you. Putri Bunga, you are very beautiful. I'm in love with you. Will you marry me?"
Putri Bunga was surprised. She never thought that a prince of fish would propose her. She then said, "I will marry you. But you have to live with me and my uncle and aunt on the land. You also have to make us happy," said Putri Bunga.
The prince of fish agreed. Then they got married and lived happily ever after. ***
Folklore from East Java
RADEN Putra was the king of Jenggala kingdom. He had a beautiful queen.
Besides that, the king also had a beautiful concubine. Unlike the queen,
the concubine had bad personalities. She was jealous with the queen, so
she planned to make the queen leave the palace. By doing so, she could
be the new queen.
The concubine asked the palace healer to help her do the bad plan. They told the king that the queen wanted to poison him. The king was angry. He sent the queen to a jungle. It is the punishment for her. There was one condition that the king did not know, the queen was pregnant.
After several months lived in the jungle, the queen gave birth to a healthy baby boy. She named him Cindelaras. He grew up as a nice, healthy, and handsome young man. One day, while Cindelaras helped her mother to collect some fire woods, an eagle dropped an egg. He took the egg and carefully took care of it.
The egg hatched into a chick and then it became a strong rooster. The rooster had a magical skill. It was very powerful and skillful in fighting with other roosters. Besides that, the rooster could also sing. The song was about Cindelaras and his father, Raden Putra. “My master is Cindelaras. He lives in the jungle. His father is a king. His name is Raden Putra.” The rooster often sang the song.
When Cindelaras first heard that song, he ignored it. However, he could not stand it anymore. He talked to his mother about it. His mother told him the whole story. Cindelaras was very surprised. He decided to go to the palace to meet the king, his father. Cindelaras also brought his rooster to go to the palace.
On the way to go there, he met some people. They asked him to fight his rooster with their roosters. Cindelaras’ rooster won the fight. He won again and again. King Raden Putra heard the news about the great Cindelaras' rooster. So, he invited Cindelaras to the palace to fight his rooster with the king’s rooster.
The king made a bet. If Cindelaras’ rooster won the fight, he would get all king’s jewelry. However, if Cindelaras’ rooster lost, he would be punished with a jail. The two roosters fought bravely. In just a few minutes, Cindelaras’ rooster won the fight! Then, the rooster sang the song.
The king was surprised, he asked who Cindelaras was. He then told the king about her mother living in the jungle. Later, the palace healer admitted his mistake. He said that the queen was innocent. She never tried to kill the king. The king was very angry. He ordered the concubine to be sent to jail. The king immediately went to the jungle to pick up his wife. He apologized for sending her to the jungle and made her the queen again. ***
The concubine asked the palace healer to help her do the bad plan. They told the king that the queen wanted to poison him. The king was angry. He sent the queen to a jungle. It is the punishment for her. There was one condition that the king did not know, the queen was pregnant.
After several months lived in the jungle, the queen gave birth to a healthy baby boy. She named him Cindelaras. He grew up as a nice, healthy, and handsome young man. One day, while Cindelaras helped her mother to collect some fire woods, an eagle dropped an egg. He took the egg and carefully took care of it.
The egg hatched into a chick and then it became a strong rooster. The rooster had a magical skill. It was very powerful and skillful in fighting with other roosters. Besides that, the rooster could also sing. The song was about Cindelaras and his father, Raden Putra. “My master is Cindelaras. He lives in the jungle. His father is a king. His name is Raden Putra.” The rooster often sang the song.
When Cindelaras first heard that song, he ignored it. However, he could not stand it anymore. He talked to his mother about it. His mother told him the whole story. Cindelaras was very surprised. He decided to go to the palace to meet the king, his father. Cindelaras also brought his rooster to go to the palace.
On the way to go there, he met some people. They asked him to fight his rooster with their roosters. Cindelaras’ rooster won the fight. He won again and again. King Raden Putra heard the news about the great Cindelaras' rooster. So, he invited Cindelaras to the palace to fight his rooster with the king’s rooster.
The king made a bet. If Cindelaras’ rooster won the fight, he would get all king’s jewelry. However, if Cindelaras’ rooster lost, he would be punished with a jail. The two roosters fought bravely. In just a few minutes, Cindelaras’ rooster won the fight! Then, the rooster sang the song.
The king was surprised, he asked who Cindelaras was. He then told the king about her mother living in the jungle. Later, the palace healer admitted his mistake. He said that the queen was innocent. She never tried to kill the king. The king was very angry. He ordered the concubine to be sent to jail. The king immediately went to the jungle to pick up his wife. He apologized for sending her to the jungle and made her the queen again. ***
Ayam Pelung
or Pelung chicken (Pelung long Crower) is a poultry breed from Cianjur,
Indonesia. The males (roosters) are considered to be "singing
chickens", with contests being frequent in the Pelung area for the most
melodious crowing. A full grown male may weigh 5-6 kg (12-15 lb) and
stand up to 50 cm (18 in) tall.(wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayam_Pelung)
www.feathersite.com |
squidoo.com |
Ayam Ketawa or Laughing Chicken originated from Sidenreng Rappang (Sidrap), South Celebes, Indonesia. In Sidrap, people call it Ayam Gaga. Physically, this kind of chicken is like ordinary chicken. The specialty of this kind of chicken is its laugh-like crowing but sometimes, its sound is like a small turtle dove. (purpleslinky.com/humor/laughing-chicken-happily-ever-laughter)
Jaka Tarub and Nawang Wulan
Folklore from East Java
Jaka Tarub was a handsome young man. He was very popular in the village. Many young girls fell in love with him. However Jaka Tarub thought that they were not beautiful enough to be his wife. That's why he was still single. He wanted to have a very beautiful wife.
As always, Jaka Tarub went to the forest to collect some woods. Suddenly he heard some noise from the waterfall. He was curious. The noise was from the girls taking a bath in the waterfall.
Slowly, Jaka Tarub walked to the area. When he arrived there, he saw seven beautiful girls taking a bath. He was really amazed by their beauty. After they were finished, the girls slowly took their shawls. Amazingly after they wore the shawls, they flew to the sky. They were not humans. They were fairies!
After that Jaka Tarub went home. He was very restless. He was still thinking about those seven beautiful girls.
On the next day, Jaka Tarub then decided to go back to the waterfall. When the fairies were taking a bath, he stole one of their shawls. And that made one fairy could not fly back to the sky. She cried. Jaka Tarub then approached her.
"What's wrong? Why are you crying?"
"I lost my shawl. I cannot go back home. All my sisters have left me. My name is Nawang Wulan. I will give you anything if you can find my shawl."
"I'll help you. But if we can't find it, you can stay at my house. You can be my wife," said Jaka Tarub.
Then Jaka Tarub pretended to look for the shawl. And of course they could not find it. After that they went to Jaka Tarub's home. Later they got married.
They had a baby girl. They had a happy life. They always had enough rice to eat. They did not have to work hard like their neighbors. It was because Nawang Wulan used her magic in cooking.
One day, Jaka Tarub asked her about the magic. Nawang Wulan did not tell him the secret and asked him not to open the cooking pan's lid. She said that if Jaka Tarub opened the lid, they had to work hard to get a lot of rice to cook.
One day, Jaka Tarub was really curious. He then opened the cooking pan's lid. He saw there was only a small portion of rice to cook. When she got home, Nawang Wulan knew that Jaka Tarub had opened the lid. She was angry because she already lost the magic in cooking. Now she had to take a big portion of rice to cook.
Slowly there was not enough rice in the silo. And when Nawang Wulan wanted to take the last portion of rice, she found her shawl. Jaka Tarub hid the shawl in the silo. Nawang Wulan was really happy.
She then said, "I will go home now. Take care of our daughter.
When there is a full moon, take her out of the house and I'll come together." Nawang Wulan then flew to the sky. Jaka Tarub was really sad. And to keep the promise, Jaka Tarub always went out of the house with his daughter when there was a full moon. But Nawang Wulan never came back. ***
Jaka Tarub was a handsome young man. He was very popular in the village. Many young girls fell in love with him. However Jaka Tarub thought that they were not beautiful enough to be his wife. That's why he was still single. He wanted to have a very beautiful wife.
As always, Jaka Tarub went to the forest to collect some woods. Suddenly he heard some noise from the waterfall. He was curious. The noise was from the girls taking a bath in the waterfall.
Slowly, Jaka Tarub walked to the area. When he arrived there, he saw seven beautiful girls taking a bath. He was really amazed by their beauty. After they were finished, the girls slowly took their shawls. Amazingly after they wore the shawls, they flew to the sky. They were not humans. They were fairies!
After that Jaka Tarub went home. He was very restless. He was still thinking about those seven beautiful girls.
On the next day, Jaka Tarub then decided to go back to the waterfall. When the fairies were taking a bath, he stole one of their shawls. And that made one fairy could not fly back to the sky. She cried. Jaka Tarub then approached her.
"What's wrong? Why are you crying?"
"I lost my shawl. I cannot go back home. All my sisters have left me. My name is Nawang Wulan. I will give you anything if you can find my shawl."
"I'll help you. But if we can't find it, you can stay at my house. You can be my wife," said Jaka Tarub.
Then Jaka Tarub pretended to look for the shawl. And of course they could not find it. After that they went to Jaka Tarub's home. Later they got married.
They had a baby girl. They had a happy life. They always had enough rice to eat. They did not have to work hard like their neighbors. It was because Nawang Wulan used her magic in cooking.
One day, Jaka Tarub asked her about the magic. Nawang Wulan did not tell him the secret and asked him not to open the cooking pan's lid. She said that if Jaka Tarub opened the lid, they had to work hard to get a lot of rice to cook.
One day, Jaka Tarub was really curious. He then opened the cooking pan's lid. He saw there was only a small portion of rice to cook. When she got home, Nawang Wulan knew that Jaka Tarub had opened the lid. She was angry because she already lost the magic in cooking. Now she had to take a big portion of rice to cook.
Slowly there was not enough rice in the silo. And when Nawang Wulan wanted to take the last portion of rice, she found her shawl. Jaka Tarub hid the shawl in the silo. Nawang Wulan was really happy.
She then said, "I will go home now. Take care of our daughter.
When there is a full moon, take her out of the house and I'll come together." Nawang Wulan then flew to the sky. Jaka Tarub was really sad. And to keep the promise, Jaka Tarub always went out of the house with his daughter when there was a full moon. But Nawang Wulan never came back. ***
Jaka Tarub and Nawang Wulan
Cerita Rakyat dari Jawa Timur
Jaka Tarub adalah seorang pemuda tampan. Dia sangat populer di desa.
Banyak gadis-gadis muda jatuh cinta dengan dia. Namun Jaka Tarub
berpikir bahwa mereka tidak cukup cantik untuk menjadi istrinya. Itulah
mengapa dia masih bujang. Dia ingin punya istri yang sangat indah.
Seperti biasa, Jaka Tarub pergi ke hutan untuk mengumpulkan beberapa
hutan. Tiba-tiba ia mendengar beberapa kebisingan dari air terjun. Dia penasaran. Suara itu dari gadis-gadis mandi di air terjun.
Perlahan-lahan, Jaka Tarub berjalan ke daerah. Ketika ia tiba di sana,
ia melihat tujuh gadis cantik sedang mandi. Dia benar-benar kagum dengan
kecantikan mereka. Setelah mereka selesai, gadis-gadis perlahan
mengambil syal mereka. Hebatnya setelah mereka mengenakan selendang,
mereka terbang ke langit. Ternyata meereka bukan manusia. Mereka adalah peri!
Setelah itu Jaka Tarub pulang. Dia sangat gelisah. Dia masih memikirkan tujuh gadis cantik.
Pada hari berikutnya, Jaka Tarub kemudian memutuskan untuk kembali ke
air terjun. Ketika para peri mengambil mandi, ia mencuri salah satu
selendang mereka. Dan itu membuat satu peri tidak bisa terbang kembali
ke langit. Dia menangis. Jaka Tarub kemudian mendekatinya.
"Ada apa? Mengapa engkau menangis?"
"Saya kehilangan selendang saya. Aku tidak bisa kembali ke rumah. Semua
saudara saya telah meninggalkan saya. Nama saya Nawang Wulan. Aku akan
memberikan apapun jika Anda dapat menemukan selendang saya."
"Aku akan membantumu. Tetapi jika kita tidak dapat menemukannya, Anda
bisa tinggal di rumah saya. Anda dapat menjadi istriku," kata Jaka
Kemudian Jaka Tarub pura-pura mencari selendang. Dan tentu saja mereka
tidak bisa menemukannya. Setelah itu mereka pergi ke rumah Jaka Tarub
itu. Kemudian mereka menikah.
Mereka memiliki seorang bayi perempuan. Mereka memiliki
kehidupan yang bahagia. Mereka selalu punya cukup nasi untuk makan.
Mereka tidak perlu bekerja keras seperti tetangga mereka. Itu karena
Nawang Wulan digunakan sihirnya dalam memasak.
Suatu hari, Jaka Tarub bertanya kepadanya tentang sihir. Nawang Wulan
tidak menceritakan rahasia dan memintanya untuk tidak membuka tutup
wajan memasak itu. Dia mengatakan bahwa jika Jaka Tarub membuka
tutupnya, mereka harus bekerja keras untuk mendapatkan banyak beras
untuk memasak.
Suatu hari, Jaka Tarub adalah benar-benar penasaran. Dia kemudian
membuka tutup wajan memasak itu. Dia melihat ada hanya sebagian kecil
dari beras untuk memasak. Ketika ia sampai di rumah, Nawang Wulan tahu
bahwa Jaka Tarub telah membuka tutupnya. Dia marah karena dia sudah
kehilangan sihir dalam memasak. Sekarang dia harus mengambil sebagian
besar beras untuk memasak.
Lama-kelamaan beras di lumbung tidak mencukupi.
Dan ketika Nawang Wulan ingin mengambil porsi nasi terakhir, ia
menemukan syalnya. Jaka Tarub menyembunyikan selendang di lumbung.
Nawang Wulan benar-benar senang.
Dia kemudian berkata, "Aku akan pulang sekarang. Tolong jaga putri kita.
Ketika ada bulan purnama, membawanya keluar dari rumah dan saya akan
datang bersama-sama. "Nawang Wulan kemudian terbang ke langit. Jaka
Tarub benar-benar sedih. Dan untuk menjaga janji, Jaka Tarub selalu
pergi keluar dari rumah dengan putrinya ketika ada bulan purnama. Tapi
Nawang Wulan tidak pernah kembali.
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